This is a simple software ray tracer written in C.
João Catarino: @jtcat
Pedro Mota: @peterbikes
- Scene description via file
- Phong shading
- Hard shadows
- Three primitive types: planes, spheres and cylinders
- Ambient lighting
- Support for multiple colored point-lights
- Transform based object translation and rotation
- Real-time scene editing
This project requires the 42 School minilibx library to be present at the root of the project.
It can be downloaded by running make minilibx
Then simply run make bonus
MiniRT requires a scene description file with an .rt
This snippet represents a simple configuration with all possible primitive types:
A 0.2 255,255,255
C 130,0,0 0,0,-1 70
L 130,0,-50 0.7 255,255,255
pl 0,-60,0 0,1.0,0 255,0,225
sp 130,25,-100 20 255,0,0
cy 130,0.0,-100.6 0,1.0,0 14.2 30.42 10,0,255
Then simply run
./miniRT scene.rt