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This repository was archived by the owner on Aug 12, 2023. It is now read-only.

Releases: junaidbhura/fly-dynamic-image-resizer

Fix error for WP_Filesystem in some cases

01 Apr 06:32
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Fix error for WP_Filesystem when deleting an image in some edge cases. More info: #46

Fix file extensions in edge cases

08 Aug 08:37
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Fixed file extension case when the files are imported in uppercase. More info: #38

New filter for image paths

27 Jun 03:09
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Added a new filter fly_attached_file

More info: #33

 * Fly Attached File
 * @param  string $attached_file
 * @param  integer $attachment_id
 * @param  mixed $size
 * @param  boolean $crop
 * @return void
function different_fly_attached_file( $attached_file, $attachment_id, $size, $crop ) {
    return '/path/to/different/file.jpg';
add_filter( 'fly_attached_file', 'different_fly_attached_file', 10, 4 );

Better mult-site support

06 May 05:02
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Fixed bugs caused by switch_to_blog and restore_current_blog in a multi-site setup.

This fixes #19

Performance improvements

12 Nov 23:12
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Improved performance by using getimagesize instead of wp_get_image_editor in fly_get_attachment_image_src()

Based on this issue: #15

New helper functions to get previously defined image sizes

06 Nov 06:16
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New helper functions to get previously defined image sizes:

fly_get_image_size( 'my_size' ) returns the size details in an array.

fly_get_all_image_sizes() returns all the defined sizes in an array.

This fixes: #14

Better handling of file names with decimals

09 Oct 03:08
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Handles file names with decimals better. This fixes #10

Removed image optimization :(

21 Sep 11:56
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After much deliberation, the image optimization feature has been removed from this plugin for the following reasons:

  1. It could lead to security vulnerabilities.
  2. It is not the best solution.
  3. It is no longer in the scope of this plugin. Future releases will focus on improving image cropping and other image manipulation. Third-party image optimization plugins can hook on to this plugin.

Version 2!

18 Sep 04:50
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This release features a complete re-factor of the plugin using better coding practices, standards and unit tests.

New features

1. Image optimization

Image optimization has finally arrived - sort of. You'll still need to install the utilities on your server before it can start working.


You can now use WP CLI to manipulate your Fly Images! With this release you can:

  • Delete all fly images
  • Delete specific fly images
  • Optimize new images
  • Optimize all images

More information here:

Updates to the documentation

All documentation for this plugin has been moved to the Wiki page of this repository:

Added crop positions and new hook

10 Mar 12:13
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Crop Positions

Added support for crop positions. Images can now be cropped from the top, left, right, bottom or the default: center


fly_add_image_size( 'home_page_square', 500, 500, true );


fly_add_image_size( 'home_page_square', 500, 500, array( 'right', 'top' ) );

Crops the image from the top right instead of from the center, which is still the default behavior.

New hook: 'fly_image_created'

You can hook on to when a new fly image is created. Maybe to optimize the image? Maybe just to keep track?

 * Fly Image Created Hook
 * @param  integer $attachment_id
 * @param  string $path
 * @return void
function new_fly_image_created( $attachment_id, $path ) {
    echo 'New image path: ' . $path;
add_action( 'fly_image_created', 'new_fly_image_created', 10, 2 );