A warmer, more wholesome (unofficial!) catppuccin flavor
🌻 Latte
Labels | Hex |
Rosewater | #dc8a78 |
Flamingo | #dd7878 |
Pink | #ea76cb |
Mauve | #8839ef |
Red | #d20f39 |
Maroon | #e64553 |
Peach | #fe640b |
Yellow | #df8e1d |
Green | #40a02b |
Teal | #40a02b |
Sky | #04a5e5 |
Sapphire | #209fb5 |
Blue | #1e66f5 |
Lavender | #7287fd |
Text | #4c4f69 |
Subtext1 | #5c5f77 |
Subtext0 | #6c6f85 |
Overlay2 | #827E8D |
Overlay1 | #918E9C |
Overlay0 | #A19FAB |
Surface2 | #B1B0BA |
Surface1 | #C0BFC8 |
Surface0 | #CFCFD7 |
Base | #f0f1f4 |
Mantle | #E8E8ED |
Crust | #dfdfe5 |
Link for the normal colors
Link to the warmed up colors
🏋️♂️ Frappe
Labels | Hex |
Rosewater | #f2d5cf |
Flamingo | #eebebe |
Pink | #f4b8e4 |
Mauve | #ca9ee6 |
Red | #e78284 |
Maroon | #ea999c |
Peach | #ef9f76 |
Yellow | #e5c890 |
Green | #a6d189 |
Teal | #81c8be |
Sky | #99d1db |
Sapphire | #85c1dc |
Blue | #8caaee |
Lavender | #babbf1 |
Text | #c6d0f5 |
Subtext1 | #b5bfe2 |
Subtext0 | #a5adce |
Overlay2 | #9d9ab1 |
Overlay1 | #8b899e |
Overlay0 | #7b788c |
Surface2 | #696779 |
Surface1 | #585666 |
Surface0 | #474453 |
Base | #353341 |
Mantle | #2e2c38 |
Crust | #272530 |
Link for the normal colors
Link to the warmed up colors
🌺 Macchiato
Labels | Hex |
Rosewater | #f4dbd6 |
Flamingo | #f0c6c6 |
Pink | #f5bde6 |
Mauve | #c6a0f6 |
Red | #ed8796 |
Maroon | #ee99a0 |
Peach | #f5a97f |
Yellow | #eed49f |
Green | #a6da95 |
Teal | #8bd5ca |
Sky | #91d7e3 |
Sapphire | #7dc4e4 |
Blue | #8aadf4 |
Lavender | #b7bdf8 |
Text | #cad3f5 |
Subtext1 | #b8c0e0 |
Subtext0 | #a5adcb |
Overlay2 | #9C98AE |
Overlay1 | #88869A |
Overlay0 | #757285 |
Surface2 | #625F71 |
Surface1 | #4F4C5E |
Surface0 | #3C3949 |
Base | #2A2635 |
Mantle | #22202C |
Crust | #1B1923 |
Link for the normal colors
Link to the warmed up colors
🌿 Mocha
Labels | Hex |
Rosewater | #f5e0dc |
Flamingo | #f2cdcd |
Pink | #f5c2e7 |
Mauve | #cba6f7 |
Red | #f38ba8 |
Maroon | #eba0ac |
Peach | #fab387 |
Yellow | #f9e2af |
Green | #a6e3a1 |
Teal | #94e2d5 |
Sky | #89dceb |
Sapphire | #74c7ec |
Blue | #89b4fa |
Lavender | #b4befe |
Text | #cdd6f4 |
Subtext1 | #bac2de |
Subtext0 | #a6adc8 |
Overlay2 | #9b98ab |
Overlay1 | #868395 |
Overlay0 | #726f80 |
Surface2 | #5e5b6a |
Surface1 | #4a4755 |
Surface0 | #363240 |
Base | #221e2a |
Mantle | #1b1822 |
Crust | #141119 |
Link for the normal colors
Link to the warmed up colors
When Fall arrived, I was tired of the cold and blue tone of catppucciny, yet I loved the pastell colors. So I came up with the idea of just creating a warmer and more welcoming port. I just warmed up the background colors and kept the pastell accents.
It's called that way, because people using chadpuccin can only be chads. So go workout, explore nature, make memories and be a chad.