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3D Multiblock multiphysics finite volume reacting flow solver. Implemented in Python, Kokkos, and MPI for inter- and intra-node performant parallelism.


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PEREGRINE: Accessible, Performant, Portable Multiphysics CFD

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PEREGRINE is a second order, multiblock, structured-grid multiphysics, finite volume, 3D CFD solver. The main novelty of PEREGRINE is its implementation in Python for ease of development and use of Kokkos for performance portability. If you are unfamiliar with Kokkos, do a little digging, it is a great project with a healthy community and helpful developers. The TLDR; Kokkos is a C++ library (not a C++ language extension) that exposes useful abstractions for data management (i.e. multidimensional arrays) and kernel execution from CPU-Serial to GPU-Parallel. This allows a single source, multiple architecture, approach in PEREGRINE. In other words, you can run a case with PEREGRINE on your laptop, then without changing a single line of source code, run the same case on a AMD GPU based super computer. PEREGRINE is massively parallel inter-node via MPI communication.


You must first install Kokkos and set the environment variable Kokkos_DIR=/path/to/kokkos/install. The Kokkos installation controls the Host/Device + Serial/Parallel execution parameters, there are no settings for the python installation.

Easy Install

For editable python installation:

pip install -e .

Note, installation with pip is hard coded to Debug mode. I can't figure out how to make that an option.

Recommended Install

For development, it is better to set the environment variable PYTHONPATH to point to /path/to/PEREGRINE/src/ followed by manual installation of the C++ compute module:

cd /path/to/PEREGRINE; mkdir build; cd build; ccmake ../; make -j install

To generate compile_commands.json,



See the documentation here.

Profiling GPU via NVTX

Download and install the libraries found at here. At runtime, ensure the environment variable

$ export KOKKOS_PROFILE_LIBRARY=/path/to/kokkos-tools/

is set. Finally, run the simulation with nsys enabling cuda,nvtx trace options.

jsrun -p 1 -g 1 nsys profile -o outPutName --trace cuda,nvtx  -f true --stats=false python -m mpi4py


PEREGRINE is pretty fast by default. However, when running a simulation with multiple chemical species, it is recommended to turn on PEREGRINE_NSCOMPILE in cmake, and then specify the value of numSpecies. This will hard code ns at compile time, and gives a considerable performance improvement for EOS/transport calculations.

Parallel I/O

Parallel I/O can be achieved with a parallel capable h5py installation.

$ export CC=mpicc
$ export HDF5_MPI="ON"
$ export HDF5_DIR="/path/to/parallel/hdf5"  # If this isn't found by default
$ pip install h5py --no-binary=h5py

$HDF5_DIR must point to a parallel enabled HDF5 installation. Parallel I/O is only applicable when running simulations with config["io"]["lumpIO"]=true.


Please use the following BibTex to cite PEREGRINE in scientific writing:

   author = {Kyle A. Schau},
   year = {2021},
   note = {},
   title = {PEREGRINE: Accessible, Performant, Portable Multiphysics CFD}


PEREGRINE is released under the New BSD License (see the LICENSE file for details). Documentation is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (see