GTLogin API is part of an effort to create a framework that allow, in a simple manner, to create quickly a simple login service.
The effort is build upon three simple packages:
(1) GTLogin API: a simple but complete authentication/registration/authorization REAT API. (created) (2) GTLogin: a simple frontend to allow users authenticate and register into the database. (In process ...) (3) GTAdmin: an administrative backoffice to allow users: (In process ...) a. User's CRUD and management b. Groups CRUD and management c. Roles CRUD and management d. Permission CRUD and management
In order to install the GTLogin API, follow the next steps:
- git clone
- cd gtlogin-api
- npm install
At this moment, I'm not provinding 'production' environment. You can use/modify the present code to achieve 'production' state, meanwhile, you can use it in development mode to test all functionality and create your own version.
# development
$ npm run start:dev
The framework runs on :3000 port, you can modify it in the configuration file.
The most important directory is src
, there live all framework's code.
+-- src
| +-- auth
| | +-- dto
| | | +-- login-user.dto.ts
| | | +-- refresh-token.dto.ts
| | | +-- reject-token.dto.ts
| | +-- interfaces
| | | +-- jwt-payload.interface.ts
| | +-- passport
| | | +-- http.strategy.ts
| | | +-- jwt.strategy.ts
| | +-- auth.controller.ts
| | +-- auth.module.ts
| | +-- auth.service.ts
| +-- common
| | +-- decorators
| | | +-- roles.decorators.ts
| | +-- guards
| | | +-- roles.guard.ts
| | +-- middlewares
| | | +-- headers.middleware.ts
| | | +-- logger.middleware.ts
| | +-- pipes
| | | +-- generate-id.pipe.ts
| +-- config
| | +-- config.ts
| | +- dev.config.ts
| +-- groups
| | +-- dto
| | | +-- create-group.dto.ts
| | | +-- groups.dto.ts
| | | +-- update-group.dto.ts
| | +-- interfaces
| | | +-- group.interface.ts
| | +-- schemas
| | | +-- group.schema.ts
| | +-- groups.controller.ts
| | +-- groups.module.ts
| | +-- groups.service.ts
| +-- permissions
| | +-- dto
| | | +-- create-permissions.dto.ts
| | | +-- rule.dto.ts
| | | +-- rules.dto.ts
| | | +-- update-permission.dto.ts
| | +-- interfaces
| | | +-- permission.interface.ts
| | | +-- rule.interface.ts
| | +-- schemas
| | | +-- permission.schema.ts
| | +-- permissions.controller.ts
| | +-- permissions.module.ts
| | +-- permissions.service.ts
| +-- roles
| | +-- dto
| | | +-- create-role.dto.ts
| | | +-- permissions.dto.ts
| | | +-- roles.dto.ts
| | | +-- update-role.dto.ts
| | | +-- user-roles.dto.ts
| | +-- interfaces
| | | +-- role.interface.ts
| | +-- schemas
| | | +-- role.schema.ts
| | +-- roles.controller.ts
| | +-- roles.module.ts
| | +-- roles.service.ts
| +-- users
| | +-- dto
| | | +-- create-user.dto.ts
| | | +-- tokens.dto.ts
| | | +-- update-user.dto.ts
| | +-- interfaces
| | | +-- user.interface.ts
| | | +-- token.interface.ts
| | +-- schemas
| | | +-- token.schema.ts
| | | +-- user.schema.ts
| | +-- users.controller.ts
| | +-- users.module.ts
| | +-- users.service.ts
| +-- app.controller.ts
| +-- app.module.ts
| +-- app.service.ts
| +-- main.hmr.ts
| +-- main.ts
GTLogin API used following dependencies (check package.json for a complete list):
- NestJS (
- Mongoose (
- Swagger (
MongoDB (