signal-cli is a commandline interface for libsignal-service-java. It supports registering, verifying, sending and receiving messages. To be able to link to an existing Signal-Android/signal-cli instance, signal-cli uses a patched libsignal-service-java, because libsignal-service-java does not yet support provisioning as a slave device. For registering you need a phone number where you can receive SMS or incoming calls. signal-cli is primarily intended to be used on servers to notify admins of important events. For this use-case, it has a dbus interface, that can be used to send messages from any programming language that has dbus bindings.
You can build signal-cli yourself, or use the provided binary files, which should work on Linux, macOS and Windows. For Arch Linux there is also a package in AUR. You need to have at least JRE 7 installed, to run signal-cli.
See latest version.
export VERSION=<latest version, format "x.y.z">
sudo tar xf signal-cli-"${VERSION}".tar.gz -C /opt
sudo ln -sf /opt/signal-cli-"${VERSION}"/bin/signal-cli /usr/local/bin/
You can find further instructions on the Wiki:
Important: The USERNAME (your phone number) must include the country calling code, i.e. the number must start with a "+" sign. (See Wikipedia for a list of all country codes.
Register a number (with SMS verification)
signal-cli -u USERNAME register
You can register Signal using a land line number. In this case you can skip SMS verification process and jump directly to the voice call verification by adding the --voice switch at the end of above register command.
Verify the number using the code received via SMS or voice
signal-cli -u USERNAME verify CODE
Send a message
signal-cli -u USERNAME send -m "This is a message" RECIPIENT
Pipe the message content from another process.
uname -a | signal-cli -u USERNAME send RECIPIENT
Receive messages
signal-cli -u USERNAME receive
For more information read the man page and the wiki.
The password and cryptographic keys are created when registering and stored in the current users home directory:
For legacy users, the old config directories are used as a fallback:
This project uses Gradle for building and maintaining
dependencies. If you have a recent gradle version installed, you can replace ./gradlew
with gradle
in the following steps.
Checkout the source somewhere on your filesystem with
git clone
Execute Gradle:
./gradlew build
Create shell wrapper in build/install/signal-cli/bin:
./gradlew installDist
Create tar file in build/distributions:
./gradlew distTar
If you use a version of the Oracle JRE and get an InvalidKeyException you need to enable unlimited strength crypto. See for instructions.
This project uses libsignal-service-java from Open Whisper Systems:
Licensed under the GPLv3: