Standalone hystrix dashboard that can be started using a single fatJar and is very lightweight and fast!
- Extremely fast startup (About half a sec)
- Extremely lightweight, the fat jar is around 5 MBs
- Easy to start, just run the JAR
- Doesn't need a servlet container
- Non Blocking
- Implemented with Vert.x
- Compression enable (Saves alot of bandwidth)
- Docker Image to easily deploy
It's the same hystrix-dashboard app as the Netflix one, that can be found here netflix-hystrix-dashboard, the only difference is that this one isn't servlet based, so doesn't need a servlet container, nor any other configuration, it's just a single jar that you can run and you are read to start monitoring you hystrix enabled services.
When i first tried hystrix and hystrix-dashboard, i had some problems testing the examples, not only me but other people had problems too, i think that hystrix-dashboard is soo awesome that shouldn't take more than a single file run to be able to use it, so i built this little adaptation to provide that, and help people that want to get started using hystrix and it's modules, and help advanced users that just need to run a dashboard more easily.
The standalone-hystrix-dashboard is available at Maven Central
, BinTray
Click on "download" blue badge in the top to go to bintray.
The maven link will be available once it gets published.
Generate the fatJar from source or download it and simple do the following:
java -jar standalone-hystrix-dashboard-{VERSION}-all.jar
it should start the dashboard on default port 7979
Generate the fatJar from source or download it and simple do the following:
java -jar standalone-hystrix-dashboard-{VERSION}-all.jar start
it should start the dashboard on default port 7979
and it will print an UUID.
After starting it, the startup process will print a UUID that you can use it to stop the application, if you don't remember the UUID you can check the running instances using the following commands:
java -jar standalone-hystrix-dashboard-{VERSION}-all.jar list
With the UUID you can stop the running instance with the following command:
java -jar standalone-hystrix-dashboard-{VERSION}-all.jar stop UUDI
To run the project from source simple do the following:
git clone
cd standalone-hystrix-dashboard
./gradlew runDashboard
it should start the dashboard on default port 7979
To generate the fatJar from source simple do the following:
git clone
cd standalone-hystrix-dashboard
./gradlew fatJar
and your fatJar should be in build/libs/standalone-hystrix-dashboard-{VERSION}-all.jar
There is a docker image available that you can run by:
docker run --rm -ti -p 7979:7979 kennedyoliveira/hystrix-dashboard
You can pass configuration or jvm params by using the ENV VAR
as with the example below:
docker run --rm -ti -p 7979:7979 -e JVM_ARGS='-Xmx2048m' kennedyoliveira/hystrix-dashboard
The docker images will have tags equal to hystrix-dashboard and hystrix-core versions, so if you need a especific version you can check there, starting with 1.5.1+
You can pass configuration parameters using the -Dconfiguration=value
parameter, the available configurations are listened in the table below.
java -jar -DserverPort=8080 -DbindAddress= standalone-hystrix-dashboard-{VERSION}-all.jar
Configuration | Description | Default |
serverPort |
The port that the server will listen to. | 7979 |
bindAddress |
The address that the server will bind to. | |
disableCompression |
Flag to disable compression support for the metrics stream | enabled |