Implementation of the well-known RSA cracking tech, Common Factor Attacks.
- Using
to implementCommon Factor Attacks
- Big Number Computation
- RSA key generation and restoration
Collect enough quantity of RSA public keys
Import all public key files
- extract and stroe their modulus and exponent value
The value is in the big number form (supported by jsbn)
Traversal all the possible combination of 12
value- to see if there exist a GCD greater then 1
Store the GCD
and the other factorq
of the two modulus respectively
Calculate φ( n ) = (p-1)*(q-1)
Calculate d = e modinverse φ( n )
Calculate dp = d mod (p-1)
Calculate dq = d mod (q-1)
Calculate coeff (A.K.A. invQ) = q modinverse p
Generate private key with modulus, exponent, p, q, dp, dq, invQ and d
Export the private key to pem form
- jsbn:
- node-rsa:
npm ci
npm start
npm test