sysproxy is a simple Go library to toggle the system proxy on and off for Windows and MacOS. It will extract a helper tool and use it to actually change the system proxy settings.
sysproxy.EnsureHelperToolPresent(fullPath, prompt, iconFullPath)
sysproxy.On(proxyAddr string)
See 'example/main.go' for detailed usage.
sysproxy uses binaries from the sysproxy-cmd project and from sysproxy-cmd-darwin.
To embed the binaries for different platforms, use the
This script takes care of code signing the Windows and MacOS executables.
This script signs the Windows executable, which requires that
osslsigncode utility be
installed. On OS X with homebrew, you can do this with
brew install osslsigncode
You will also need to set the environment variables BNS_CERT and BNS_CERT_PASS to point to bns-cert.p12 and its password so that the script can sign the Windows executable.
This script also signs the MacOS executable, which requires you to install a MacOS signing certificate.