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AppStoreManager is a new version checking framework for iOS.

📲 Installation


AppStoreManager is available on CocoaPods:

pod 'AppStoreManager'

Swift Package Manager

  • File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
  • Add
  • Select "Up to Next Major" with "1.3.6"

📝 How

Code Implementation


import AppStoreManager

Check New Version Available:

  • Can select version check type => .immediately, .daily, .weekly

    AppStoreManager.shared.checkNewVersion(.immediately) { (isAvailable) in
        if isAvailable {
            //  New Version Available.
        } else {
            //  No New Version.
  • If your app is only available outside the U.S. App Store, you will need to set countryCode to the two-letter country code of the store you want to search.

    See for a list of ISO Country Codes.

    AppStoreManager.shared.checkNewVersion(.immediately, countryCode: "th") { (isAvailable) in
        if isAvailable {
            //  New Version Available.
        } else {
            //  No New Version.

Check New Version Available and Show Alert:

  • Can select version check type => .immediately, .daily, .weekly

  • If you don't need to show skip button, you can set the canSkip: false

    AppStoreManager.shared.checkNewVersionAndShowAlert(.immediately, at: self, canSkip: true)
  • If your app is only available outside the U.S. App Store, you will need to set countryCode to the two-letter country code of the store you want to search.

    See for a list of ISO Country Codes.

    AppStoreManager.shared.checkNewVersionAndShowAlert(.immediately, countryCode: "th", at: self, canSkip: true)

Open AppStore:

  • If your app is only available outside the U.S. App Store, you will need to set countryCode to the two-letter country code of the store you want to search.

    See for a list of ISO Country Codes.

    AppStoreManager.shared.openAppStore(countryCode: "th")

Alert Open AppStore:

  • If you don't need to show skip button, you can set the canSkip: false

  • preferredStyle default is .alert, Can be select between .alert and .actionSheet

    AppStoreManager.shared.showAlertUpdate(at: self, canSkip: true)
  • If your app is only available outside the U.S. App Store, you will need to set countryCode to the two-letter country code of the store you want to search.

    See for a list of ISO Country Codes.

    AppStoreManager.shared.showAlertUpdate(countryCode: "th",at: self, canSkip: true)



AppStoreManager supports the following:

AppStoreManager.shared.configureAlert(title: <String?>, message: <String?>)
//  Default title is "New version available"
//  Default message is "There is an update available. Please update to use this application.", message is optional.

AppStoreManager.shared.configureAlert(updateButtonTitle: <String?>, skipButtonTitle: <String?>)
//  Default updateButtonTitle is "Update"
//  Default skipButtonTitle is "Skip"

📋 Requirements

  • iOS 11.0+
  • Xcode 11+
  • Swift 5.1+