This is a Java agent to inject chaos delays and/or failures into specific Java classes and methods.
Download the latest JAR file chaos-dukey-<VERSION>-all.jar
Set -javaagent
Java option to the downloaded JAR file with the parameters.
Parameter | Description | Default value |
delay.typeNamePattern |
[For delay injection] Type name pattern to filter classes and interfaces. Supports Java's regex format. | No targeted classes or interfaces |
delay.methodNamePattern |
[For delay injection] Method name pattern to filter methods. Supports Java's regex format. | No targeted methods |
delay.waitMode |
[For delay injection] RANDOM : waits for random duration between 1 ms and maxDelayMillis . FIXED : waits for maxDelayMillis . |
delay.ppm |
[For delay injection] Parts per million (ppm) chance that a delay injection occurs. Cannot be specified with percentage . |
20000 ppm (2%) |
delay.percentage |
[For delay injection] Percentage chance that a delay injection occurs. Cannot be specified with ppm . |
2% (20000 ppm) |
delay.maxDelayMillis |
[For delay injection] Maximum delay in millis. | 500 ms |
failure.typeNamePattern |
[For failure injection] Type name pattern to filter classes and interfaces. Supports Java's regex format. | No targeted classes or interfaces |
failure.methodNamePattern |
[For failure injection] Method name pattern to filter methods. Supports Java's regex format. | No targeted methods |
failure.exception |
[For failure injection] Exception thrown from the target methods. | java.lang.RuntimeException |
failure.ppm |
[For failure injection] Parts per million (ppm) chance that a delay injection occurs. Cannot be specified with percentage . |
20000 ppm (2%) |
failure.percentage |
[For failure injection] Percentage chance that a delay injection occurs. Cannot be specified with ppm . |
2% (20000 ppm) |
debug |
Specifies whether to output debug information to STDERR. | false |
configFile |
The path to properties file that contains the parameters above. Other parameters will be ignored if this parameter is specified. | ---- |
java -javaagent:/path/to/chaos-dukey-x.x.x-all.jar=delay.typeNamePattern=^org\.komamitsu\.transaction\.(?:LockManager|OCCManager)$,delay.methodNamePattern=^(?:lock.*|cas.*)$,delay.waitMode=RANDOM,delay.percentage=1,delay.maxDelayMillis=1500,failure.typeNamePattern=^org\.komamitsu\.repository\..*Repository$,failure.methodNamePattern=^(?:get.*|save.*|delete.*)$,failure.ppm=1000, ...
- /path/to/
java -javaagent:/path/to/chaos-dukey-x.x.x-all.jar=configFile=/path/to/ ...
This is only for testing purpose, and don't use it in production since it would affect the performance.
This project uses pre-commit to automate code format and so on as much as possible. If you're interested in the development of this project, please install pre-commit and the git hook script as follows.
$ ls -a .pre-commit-config.yaml
$ pre-commit install
The code formatter is automatically executed when committing files. A commit will fail and be formatted by the formatter when any invalid code format is detected. Try to commit the change again.