This repository provides bash scripts that help you administrating a NAS with immich, whereas the files beside pictures/videos are shared by Samba. It is tested with openSuse but chould work with other systems using systemd as well.
What was needed?
- smbpwd-daemon A daemon to authenticate Immich logins against Samba accounts (using systemd managed sockets)
- podman-immich Easy management of Immich containers, here with podman due to glueing into filesystem (access user's files by supplementary group)
- nasuser The tool for adding, removing and more of local users, including automated creation/deletion of Immich accounts
mount UUID=1e8bc2a6-4fd1-4496-9327-62be185b029e /mnt/
btrfs subvolume /mnt/@home
btrfs subvolume /mnt/@srv
btrfs subvolume set-default /mnt/@home
umount /mnt/* /mnt/
umount /home
And remove from /etc/fstab, see below.
UUID=1e8bc2a6-4fd1-4496-9327-62be185b029e /home btrfs defaults 0 0
UUID=1e8bc2a6-4fd1-4496-9327-62be185b029e /srv btrfs subvol=@/srv 0 0
mount -a
btrfs subvolume list /srv
btrfs subvolume list /home
zypper in snapper
snapper -c srv create-config /srv/
wget wget
cp nasuser-immich-smbauth-4ff33a3/srv/* /usr/local/
chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/*
cp nasuser-immich-smbauth-4ff33a3/systemd/system/smbpwd-daemon* /etc/systemd/system/
cp nasuser-immich-smbauth-4ff33a3/systemd/system/immich.service /etc/systemd/system/
In file /etc/systemd/system/smbpwd-daemon@.service
: Change /srv/sbin/
to /usr/local/sbin/smbpwd-daemon
(where we installed the daemon)
systemctl start smbpwd-daemon.socket
systemctl enable smbpwd-daemon.socket
zypper in samba samba-client samba-winbind avahi
cp nasuser-immich-smbauth-4ff33a3/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/
systemctl start smb nmb
systemctl start avahi-daemon
systemctl enable smb nmb
systemctl enable avahi-daemon
groupadd -g 299 -r immich
useradd -M -g 299 -u 299 -N -d /home immich
zypper in podman crun
In file /usr/local/sbin/podman-immich
set to IMMICH_ML_HW=-openvino
if you use Intel.
In file /usr/local/share/immich-getsmbpwdnet.js
to e.g. nas
(or anything that identifies your server in conjunction with the local users)
podman-immich reuses existing images. After podman pull new-image... it is your future update tool, too
(this tool brings up all the necessary servers, storing its data under /srv/immich
for default).
Prepare for loading at boot-time:
podman pod stop Immich
systemctl start immich.service
systemctl enable immich.service
Try one of these, e.g. download image in advance, check folder structure or see logs...
podman pull
podman pull
ls -l /srv/immich/
podman logs --tail=50 -f Immich-Server
Login to your http://server:[5000], Create initial User aka Admin
First user will be Admin. Do not use a local account like admin@nas (see below), use a real mailadress instead. You may need it later for password reset etc.
For the magic of nasuser
management you need to have Admin's API key. You can create one, go to Settings -> API Keys -> name it e.g. nasuser.
In file /usr/local/sbin/nasuser
add it to IMMICH_API_KEY=XXX...
nasuser --help
nasuser add user1
Login to your Immich-Instance with the fake-domain, which you have changed from YOURDOMAINNAME to e.g. nas (see above).
A patched Immich-Server tries to authenticate all users with @nas
against the Samba password database, that builds on local users.
-> user1@nas -> note the password that nasuser
has set and printed out!
- Initial commit 2025-01-05, small fixes in the following days