This CLI tool was originally thought for implementing the turbo-commit convention easily. Now It's more than that.. You can use it with any other commit convention (aviable soon). And it's also good for tuning out of the box git commands.
If you enjoy the good quality software and you work for have it, You'll enjoy using a commit convention on your projects that ensures readability and understanding. For sure you can also make some great improvements on how you use git in the command line everyday. Wouldn't it be great to have a tool that ensure all of this for you and for your team?
npm install -g turbo-commit
Then you're able to use the turbo
command. From git: git turbo <command>
or with the git alias: git tc
,git tl
and git ta
All the turbo commands will also be available in git. So you will able to do turbo command
, git turbo command
or with the git alias as well.
First, add someting to commit you can use
git add
or ourturbo add
as well.. If you choose use the turbo add you will be prompted with the following:
Select what you want to add by moving with the arrow key and pressing space.. then enter. (This will be improve it soon, with a better UX)
Now you are able to commit using
turbo commit
orgit tc
command as follows:
turbo commit
After that, you'll see the possible tags for your turbo-commits:
Choose your tag to wrap your commit message, press enter. Now insert your commit title and the description, if you want, and you're done.
Congrats! You did your first turbo-commit.
Now, you can see it in your turbo log
or git tl
with the corresponding commit color.
Improvements in the existing turbo commands adding functionalitty and a beter UX.
We are working on implementing other commit conventions by a file configuration. You will able to use a convention per repository. And also you will able to write your own convention easily.
We'll continue working on new turbo-commands that will add some extra magic, any idea/help is welcome.
Be proud like we are, that you are using Turbo Commit CLI.. add the Badge to your projects.
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Turbo Commit: On"/></a>