OAuth signin with django rest framework.
- python (2.7, 3.4, 3.5)
- django (1.7, 1.8, 1.9)
- djangorestframework (>= 3.1)
- python-social-auth (>=0.2.9)
- [optional] djangorestframework-jwt (>=1.7.2)
To have a resource, that will do very simple thing: take the oauth code from social provider (for example facebook) and return the authenticated user. That's it.
I can't find such util for django rest framework. There are packages (for example django-rest-auth), that take access_token, not the code. Also, i've used to work with awesome library python-social-auth, so it will be nice to use it again. In fact, most of the work is done by this package. Current util brings a little help to integrate django-rest-framework and python-social-auth.
Install this package to your python distribution:
pip install rest-social-auth
Do the settings
Install apps
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'rest_framework', 'rest_framework.authtoken', # only if you use token authentication 'social.apps.django_app.default', # python social auth 'rest_social_auth', # this package )
python-social-auth settings, look documentation for more details
SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_KEY = 'your app client id' SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_SECRET = 'your app client secret' SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_SCOPE = ['email', ] # optional SOCIAL_AUTH_FACEBOOK_PROFILE_EXTRA_PARAMS = {'locale': 'ru_RU'} # optional AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = ( 'social.backends.facebook.FacebookOAuth2', # and maybe some others ... 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', )
Also look optional settings avaliable.
Make sure everything is up do date
python manage.py migrate
Include rest social urls (choose at least one)
url(r'^api/login/', include('rest_social_auth.urls_session')),
url(r'^api/login/', include('rest_social_auth.urls_token')),
url(r'^api/login/', include('rest_social_auth.urls_jwt')),
You are ready to login users
Following examples are for OAuth 2.0.
5.1 session authentication
POST /api/login/social/session/
{ "provider": "facebook", "code": "AQBPBBTjbdnehj51" }
{ "username": "Alex", "email": "user@email.com", // other user data } + session id in cookies
5.2 token authentication
POST /api/login/social/token/
{ "provider": "facebook", "code": "AQBPBBTjbdnehj51" }
{ "token": "68ded41d89f6a28da050f882998b2ea1decebbe0" }
POST /api/login/social/token_user/
{ "provider": "facebook", "code": "AQBPBBTjbdnehj51" }
{ "username": "Alex", "email": "user@email.com", // other user data "token": "68ded41d89f6a28da050f882998b2ea1decebbe0" }
5.3 jwt authentication
POST /api/login/social/jwt/
POST /api/login/social/jwt_user/
Similar to token authentication, but token is JSON Web Token.
See JWT.io for details.
To use it, django-rest-framework-jwt must be installed.
User model is taken from
.At input there is also non-required field
. If given, server will use this redirect uri in requests, instead of uri got from settings. This redirect_uri must be equal in front-end request and in back-end request. Back-end will not do any redirect in fact.It is also possible to specify provider in url, not in request body. Just append it to the url:
POST /api/login/social/session/facebook/
Don't need to specify it in body now:
{ "code": "AQBPBBTjbdnehj51" }
Front-end need to know following params for each social provider:
- client_id # only in case of OAuth 2.0, id of registered application on social service provider
- redirect_uri # to this url social provider will redirect with code
- scope=your_scope # for example email
- response_type=code # same for all oauth2.0 providers
Front-end redirect user to social authorize url with params from previous point.
User confirms.
Social provider redirects back to
with paramcode
. -
Front-end now ready to login the user. To do it, send POST request with provider name and code:
POST /api/login/social/session/
with data (form data or json)
Backend will either signin the user, either signup, either return error.
Sometimes it is more suitable to specify provider in url, not in request body. It is possible, rest-social-auth will understand that. Following request is the same as above:
POST /api/login/social/session/facebook/
with data (form data or json)
Front-end needs to make a POST request to your backend with the provider name ONLY:
POST /api/login/social/
with data (form data or json):
Or specify provider in url, in that case data will be empty:
POST /api/login/social/twitter
The backend will return a short-lived
request token in the response. This can be used by the front-end to perform authentication with the provider. -
User confirms. In the case of Twitter, they will then return the following data to your front-end:
{ "redirect_state": "...bHrz2x0wy43", "oauth_token" : "...AAAAAAAhD5u", "oauth_verifier": "...wDBdTR7CYdR" }
Front-end now ready to login the user. To do it, send POST request again with provider name and the
you got from the provider:POST /api/login/social/
with data (form data or json)
Backend will either signin the user, or signup, or return an error. Same as in OAuth 2.0, you can specify provider in url, not in body:
POST /api/login/social/twitter
This flow is the same as described in satellizer. This angularjs module is used in example project.
If you use token (or jwt) authentication and OAuth 1.0, then you still need 'django.contrib.sessions' app (it is not required for OAuth 2.0 and token authentication). This is because python-social-auth will store some data in session between requests to OAuth 1.0 provider.
As we can see, our backend must implement resource for signin the user.
Django REST social auth provides means to easily implement such resource.
OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 providers are supported.
Look python-social-auth for full list.
Name of provider is taken from corresponding backend.name
property of
particular backed class in python-social-auth.
For example for facebook backend we see:
class FacebookOAuth2(BaseOAuth2):
name = 'facebook'
Here are some provider names:
Provider | provider name |
google-oauth2 | |
Vkontakte | vk-oauth2 |
Github | github |
Yandex | yandex-oauth2 |
Others | ... |
Defines redirect_uri. This redirect must be the same in both authorize request (made by front-end) and access token request (made by back-end) to OAuth provider.
To override the relative path (url path or url name are both supported):
REST_SOCIAL_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI = '/oauth/redirect/path/' # or url name REST_SOCIAL_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI = 'redirect_url_name'
Note, in case of url name, backend name will be provided to url resolver as argument.
Sometimes front-end and back-end are run on different domains. For example frontend at 'myproject.com', and backend at 'api.myproject.com'.
If True, domain will be taken from request origin, if origin is defined. So in current example domain will be 'myproject.com', not 'api.myproject.com'. Next, this domain will be joined with path from
settings.To be clear, suppose we have following settings (defaults):
Front-end is running on domain 'myproject.com', back-end - on 'api.myproject.com'. Back-end will use following redirect_uri:
And with following settings:
redirect_uri will be:
Also look at django-cors-headers if such architecture is your case.
Full redirect uri (domain and path) can be hardcoded
This settings has higher priority than
. I.e. if this settings is defined, other will be ignored. Butredirect_uri
param from request has higher priority than any setting.
First of all, customization provided by python-social-auth is also avaliable. For example, use nice mechanism of pipeline to do any action you need during login/signin.
Second, you can override any method from current package. Specify serializer for each view by subclassing the view.
To do it
define your own url:
url(r'^api/login/social/$', MySocialView.as_view(), name='social_login'),
define your serializer
from rest_framework import serializers from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model class MyUserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer): class Meta: model = get_user_model() exclude = ('password', 'user_permissions', 'groups')
define view
from rest_social_auth.views import SocialSessionAuthView from .serializers import MyUserSerializer class MySocialView(SocialSessionAuthView): serializer_class = MyUserSerializer
Check the code of the lib, there is not much of it.
There is an example project.
make sure you have rest-social-auth installed
pip install rest-social-auth
clone repo
git clone https://github.com/st4lk/django-rest-social-auth.git
step in example_project/
cd django-rest-social-auth/example_project
create database (sqlite3)
python manage.py syncdb
run development server
python manage.py runserver
Example project already contains facebook, google and twitter app ids and secrets. These apps are configured to work only with restsocialexample.com domain (localhost is not supported by some providers). So, to play with it, define in your hosts file this domain as localhost: restsocialexample.com
And visit http://restsocialexample.com:8000/
Example project uses satellizer angularjs module.