A library for omega-automata. ⚠ ⚠ ⚠ Work in progress! ⚠ ⚠ ⚠
This library implements, in pure Julia, Büchi automata with full acceptance condition; and provides bindings for the spot library.
It is based on the same shared library as the package Spot, but is quite different, in that this package is centered on automata while Spot is centered on LTL formulas and their translation to automata.
In particular, this package implements a dictionary between any alphabet and the Boolean expressions required for Spot.
A sample:
julia> using Buchi
julia> a,b,c,d = grigorchuk()
(a = CBuchiAutomaton(2 state(s), 4 transition(s)…), b = CBuchiAutomaton(5 state(s), 10 transition(s)…), c = CBuchiAutomaton(5 state(s), 10 transition(s)…), d = CBuchiAutomaton(5 state(s), 10 transition(s)…))
julia> o = Buchi.diagonal(CBuchiAutomaton(1=>1=>1,1=>2=>1))
CBuchiAutomaton(1 state(s), 2 transition(s)…)
julia> a^2 == b^2 == c^2 == d^2 == b*c*d == o
julia> OmegaWord([1])*a == OmegaWord([2],[1])