is a general-purpose, high-performance code for simulating
ion-material interactions including sputtering, reflection, and implantation
using the binary collision approximation (BCA), written in Rust!
RustBCA includes a standalone version and libraries for including
ion-material interactions in simulations written in C/C++, Python,
and Fortran.
By discretizing the collision cascade into a sequence of binary collisions, BCA codes can accurately and efficiently model the prompt interaction between an energetic ion and a target material. This includes reflection, implantation, and transmission of the incident ion, as well as sputtering and displacement damage of the target. Generally, BCA codes can be valid for incident ion energies between approximately ~1 eV/nucleon to <1 GeV/nucleon. Improvements to RustBCA have expanded the regime of validity for some quantities, such as reflection coefficients, below 1 eV/nucleon.
Check out the RustBCA
Wiki for detailed information, installation
instructions, use cases, examples, and more. See the RustBCA paper at the
Journal of Open Source Software by clicking the badge below:
Selected citations of RustBCA as of 5/24/23:
- Simulation of liquid lithium divertor geometry using SOLPS-ITER, JD Lore et al. (2022)
- Characterizing W sources in the all-W wall, all-RF WEST tokamak environment, CC Klepper et al. (2022)
- hPIC2: A hardware-accelerated, hybrid particle-in-cell code for dynamic plasma-material interactions, LT Meredith et al. (2023)
- Global sensitivity analysis of a coupled multiphysics model to predict surface evolution in fusion plasma–surface interactions, P. Robbe et al. (2023)
- Modeling the effect of nitrogen recycling on the erosion and leakage of tungsten impurities from the SAS-VW divertor in DIII-D during nitrogen gas injection, MS Parsons et al. (2023)
- Enabling attractive-repulsive potentials in binary-collision-approximation monte-carlo codes for ion-surface interactions, J Drobny and D Curreli (2023)
- Multi-physics modeling of tungsten collector probe samples during the WEST C4 He campaign, A. Lasa et al. (2024)
The easiest way to get started is with the ergonomic Python functions. Follow these steps to install, build, and run simple RustBCA simulations for sputtering yields and reflection coefficients:
git clone
cd rustbca
python -m pip install .
Python 3.9.6 (tags/v3.9.6:db3ff76, Jun 28 2021, 15:26:21) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from libRustBCA import *; from scripts.materials import *
>>> angle = 0.0 # deg
>>> energy = 1000.0 # eV
>>> num_samples = 10000
>>> sputtering_yield(argon, tungsten, energy, angle, num_samples)
>>> reflection_coefficient(argon, tungsten, energy, angle, num_samples)
(0.3294, 0.10230906775743769) # (reflection coefficient, energy reflection coefficient)
For those eager to get started with the standalone code, try running one of the examples in the
directory. Note that to automatically manipulate input files and reproduce
the plots located on the Wiki, these may require some optional
Python packages (matplotlib
, numpy
, scipy
, shapely
, and toml
First, run the example using:
cargo run --release examples/boron_nitride.toml
Afterwords, fire up your favourite Python interpreter (e.g., IPython) and execute:
from scripts.rustbca import *
First, run the example using:
cargo run --release examples/layered_geometry.toml
Afterwords, fire up your favourite Python interpreter (e.g., IPython) and execute:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
deposited_ions = np.genfromtxt(
names=["M", "Z", "x", "y", "z", "collisions"],
plt.hist(deposited_ions["x"], bins=100)
The following features are implemented in RustBCA
- Ion-material interactions for all combinations of incident ion and target species.
- Infinite, homogeneous targets (Mesh0D), Layered, finite-depth inhomogeneous targets (Mesh1D), arbitrary 2D composition through a triangular mesh (Mesh2D), fast homogeneous 2D geometry (Homogeneous2D), homogeneous spherical geometry (Sphere), and homogeneous 3D triangular mesh geometry (TriMesh).
- Amorphous Solid/Liquid targets, Gaseous targets, and targets with both solid/liquid and gaseous elements
- Low energy (< 25 keV/nucleon) electronic stopping modes including:
- local (Oen-Robinson),
- nonlocal (Lindhard-Scharff),
- and equipartition
- Biersack-Varelas interpolation is also included for electronic stopping up to ~1 GeV/nucleon. Note that high energy physics beyond electronic stopping are not included, and that Biersack-Varelas may not be as accurate as other methods.
- Biersack-Haggmark treatment of high-energy free-flight paths between collisions can be included to greatly speed up high-energy simulations (i.e., by neglecting very small angle scattering).
- A wide range of interaction potentials are provided, including:
- the Kr-C, ZBL, Lenz-Jensen, and Moliere universal, screened-Coulomb potentials.
- the Lennard-Jones 12-6 and Morse attractive-repulsive potentials.
- Solving the distance-of-closest-approach problem is achieved using:
- the Newton-Raphson method for purely repulsive potentials,
- or, for attractive-repulsive potentials, an Adaptive Chebyshev Proxy Rootfinder with Automatic Subdivision algorithm and a polynomial root-finding algorithm are provided through rcpr.
- Multiple interaction potentials can be used in a single simulation for any number of potentials/species.
- For example, the He-W interaction can be specified using a Lennard-Jones 12-6 potential, while the W-W interaction can be defined using a Kr-C potential.
- The scattering integral can be calculated using:
- Gauss-Mehler quadrature,
- Gauss-Legendre quadrature,
- Mendenall-Weller quadrature,
- or the MAGIC algorithm (for certain screened Coulomb potentials only).
- Input files use the TOML format, making them both human-readable and easily parsable.
- RustBCA generates user-friendly, context-providing error messages, which help pinpoint the cause of errors and provide suggested fixes to the user.
- The simulation results are comma-delimited (
format) and include:- the energies and directions of emitted particles (reflected ions and sputtered atoms),
- the final positions of implanted ions,
- displacements,
- full trajectory tracking for both the incident ions and target atoms,
- and many other parameters such as position of origin of sputtered particles and energy loss along trajectories.
- Optionally, the code can produce energy-angle and implantation distributions when built with the
--features distributions
flag and disable space-intensive particle list output with--features no_list_output
. - Library functions for modeling ion reflection, implantation, and sputtering in C++/C, Python, and Fortran codes.
Without optional features, RustBCA
should compile with cargo
alone on
Windows, MacOS, and Linux systems.
HDF5 for particle list input has been tested on Windows, but version 1.10.6 must be used.
- rustup, the Rust toolchain (includes
, the Rust package manager,rustc
, the Rust compiler, and more).
- see Cargo.toml for a complete list.
- HDF5 libraries
- rcpr, a CPR and polynomial rootfinder, required for using attractive-repulsive interaction potentials such as Lennard-Jones or Morse.
- For manipulating input files and running associated scripts, the following are required:
- (Optional) Install Python 3.6+ (this comes natively in Ubuntu 18.04)
- Install
sudo apt-get install curl
- Install rustup, the Rust toolchain (includes rustc, the compiler, and cargo, the package manager) from by running the following command and following on-screen instructions:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
- (Optional) Install
for Python:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
- (Optional) Install Python libraries for making input files:
python3 -m pip install numpy matplotlib shapely scipy
git clone
cd toml
python3 install
- (Optional) Install software for rcpr:
sudo apt-get install gcc gfortran build-essential cmake liblapack-dev libblas-dev liblapacke-dev
- (Optional - should come with rustup) Install
sudo apt-get install cargo
- Build
git clone
cd RustBCA
cargo build --release
- (Optional) Build
with optional dependencies,hdf5
(with your choice of backend:openblas
, orintel-mkl
cargo build --release --features cpr_rootfinder_netlib,hdf5_input
cargo build --release --features cpr_rootfinder_openblas,hdf5_input
cargo build --release --features cpr_rootfinder_intel_mkl,hdf5_input
is the input file - see Usage for more information- Run the required tests using:
cargo test
- (Optional) Run the required and optional tests for the desired backend(s):
cargo test --features cpr_rootfinder_netlib
cargo test --features cpr_rootfinder_openblas
cargo test --features cpr_rootfinder_intel_mkl
Most of the ingredients for building RustBCA
and running the Python helper
scripts are available natively in the Fedora software repository, so the setup
is relatively painless.
The Rust toolchain can be aquired using:
sudo dnf install rust rust-src rust-std-static rust-analysis rust-gdb rust-lldb rustfmt
The (optional) Python packages can be obtained using:
sudo dnf install python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-matplotlib python3-toml python3-shapely
or, alternatively, using pip3
If desired, RustBCA can be built with rcpr to simulate attractive-repuslive interaction potentials; rcpr requires (at least) the following:
sudo dnf install gcc gcc-gfortran cmake lapack lapack-devel blas blas-devel
Building RustBCA
is straightforward, and can be done using:
git clone
cd RustBCA
cargo build --release
with all of the explicit dependencies listed in Cargo.toml
automatically during the build.
To use RustBCA
, modify an input.toml
file, which is used to configure each
To run a simulation, execute:
with input.toml
in the same directory as RustBCA
Alternatively, RustBCA
accepts the name of a.toml
input file as a single
command line argument.
./RustBCA /path/to/input.toml
Additionally, RustBCA
accepts an input file type (one of: 0D
, 1D
, 2D
- see the wiki for more details):
./RustBCA 0D /path/to/input.toml
Warning: RustBCA defaults to the 2D triangular mesh input mode. For more details, see Input Files. Also have a look at the examples on the Wiki to see some examples of RustBCA input files.