增加自定义解析国家统计局数据,数据更新至 2020-11-20,代码:https://github.com/ldwonday/zh-address-parse/blob/master/app/lib/getMcaGovData.js
AddressParse(address[, [option|0|1]])
参数名 | 说明 | 类型 | 是否必填 | 默认值 |
type | 解析方式 | Number | 否 | 0 |
textFilter | 预过滤字段 | Array | 否 | [] |
nameMaxLength | 中文名最大长度 | Number | 否 | 4 |
extraGovData | 额外的省市区数据 | { city?: GovData[]; area: GovData[]; province: GovData[] } | 否 | - |
extraGovData 定义如下:
type GovData = {
code: string;
provinceCode?: string;
cityCode?: string;
name: string;
npm i zh-address-parse -s
import AddressParse from 'zh-address-parse'
import AddressParse from './dist/zh-address-parse.min.js'
// options为可选参数,不传默认使用正则查找
const options = {
type: 0, // 哪种方式解析,0:正则,1:树查找
textFilter: [], // 预清洗的字段
nameMaxLength: 4, // 查找最大的中文名字长度
extraGovData: { city: [{ name: 'name', code: 'code', provinceCode: 'provinceCode' }], province: [{ name: 'name', code: 'code' }], area: [{ name: 'name', code: 'code', provinceCode: 'provinceCode', cityCode: 'cityCode' }] }
// type参数0表示使用正则解析,1表示采用树查找, textFilter地址预清洗过滤字段。
const parseResult = AddressParse('your address', options)
// The parseResult is an object contain { province: '', name: '', city: '', area: '', detail: '', phone: '', postalCode: '' }
<script async defer src="./zh-address-parse.min.js"></script>
const parse = () => {
const onTextAreaBlur = (e) => {
const address = e.target.value
const parseResult = window.ZhAddressParse(address, { type: 0, textFilter: ['电話', '電話', '聯系人'] })
// The parseResult is an object contain { province: '', name: '', city: '', area: '', detail: '', phone: '', postalCode: '' }
$('#result').append(`<ul>${Object.entries(parseResult).map(([k, v]) => `<li>${k}:${v}</li>`).join('')}</ul>`)
$('#addressContent').bind('input propertychange', onTextAreaBlur)
$('#addressList li').on('click', (e) => {
$('#addressContent')[0].dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Run the local webpack-dev-server with livereload and autocompile on http://localhost:8080/
$ npm run dev
Build the current application
$ npm run build