Script to fetch the Swedish school meal menu and display it on 2.9" EPaper tags.
- Uses the API to fetch current menus of your chosen school nightly.
- Generates two json files formatted for 2.9" displays;
- One with the menu of today.
- One with the menu of the next day (if on a weekend, the Monday menu will be displayed).
- Google Drive account
- OpenEPaperLink Access Point
- 2.9" EPaper Tags (no other sizes supported atm)
Login to Google Drive. Right click in a folder of your choise. Add a new Google Apps Script
Paste the code from into the newly created script.
Set schoolId to the ID of your school. Find the correct ID by browsing to your school and copy the ID from the url.
Select Triggers from the left side menu. Add a trigger to run "updateSkolmaten" nightly.
Go back to the code Editor and hit the Run-button to execute the script once.
Two json files will be created next to your Apps Script on the Drive.
Right click on each of the json files and set sharing to public. Click "Copy link" before closing the sharing dialog
Get the id part from the copied link and add it to the following format:
In the OpenEPaperLink dashboard. Set your tag content type to "Json template" and paste the reformatted link.
The current menu should now display on your tag!