A synthesizer and DSL for generating strategies for playing Catcher game.
The PyGames-Synthesis repository provides the implementation of a domain-specific language (DSL) and synthesizers such as Bottom-Up Search, Simulated Annealing and Probe.
It does not provide the implementation for the games on which solutions are evaluated at the moment. The games that were used to test the DSL and the synthesizer were implemented at Ntasfi's Pygame-Learning-Environment repository.
Clone this repository and Ntasfi's Pygame-Learning-Environment repository. Rename the Pygame-Learning-Environment directory to pygame_games
and move it to PyGames-synthesis/ . You also need to install the module dependencies of both projects. I strongly suggest that you use a virtual environment instead of installing globally.
git clone https://github.com/olivier-vadiaval/PyGames-synthesis.git
git clone https://github.com/ntasfi/PyGame-Learning-Environment.git
pip install -e
If you want to use the synthesizer for generating strategies for the Pong domain, please contact me. You can also use a different Pong implementation as long as it implements the methods and attributes used by the game object in EvaluationPong in src/Evaluation/evaluation_pong.py . That is, it should have a step method, be capable of returning a game state as a dictionary, be able to determine if the game is over and have a way to reward strategies in the game.
Run one of the provided bash scripts in bin/ to start the synthesizer. Each bash script will run the synthesizer with a specific configuration: with and without triage, with and without optimizer, and whether to run the synthesizer multiple times or once.
To run any given script, one must provide the name of the game (or domain), the time budget, the total number of games to be played during evaluation, the number of times to run the synthesizer, and whether the runs will be executed in separate processes or a single process.
The idea behind being able to run the synthesizer multiple times is to obtain an accurate estimate of the performance of a configuration.
To run a script that does not configure the synthesizer to use triage evaluation, one must specify the game, the time budget, the total number of games on which a program is evaluated, the number of times to run the synthesizer and if there are multiple runs, whether they will be in the same process (same) or not (different).
To run a script that configures the synthesizer to use triage evaluation, one must specify all of the above and also, a confidence level, as well as an interval size.
For example, to run the synthesizer once for 300 seconds (5mins) with a 20-game triage evaluation and without any optimizer for the Catcher domain, use the following command from the root level directory (that is PyGames-synthesis/):
sh bin/sa_no_opt_triage_eval.sh Catcher 300 20 0.95 500 1 same
0.95 and 500 are the confidence level and the interval size of a program score respectively. If the program score in a given domain can only range between 0 and 1, then the interval size is simply 1. These two values are used during triage to decide whether the evaluation procedure can be stopped as 'we' are confident enough that the current program is worst than the current best.
If one desires to run the synthesizer multiple times (say 10 times) in separate processes, the previous command can be changed to:
sh bin/sa_no_opt_triage_eval.sh Catcher 300 20 0.95 500 10 different 1 first_run
However, the above command must be run 10 times and on each command, the second to last argument (1 in this case) must be changed to the number of times that the synthesizer has been run. Here, we specify the run index (here it's 1) and an optional suffix (first_run) for building the names of the files holding the results of the experiments. This is to facilitate the parsing of those files to plot graphs and the like. You could build your own script that can call the given scripts multiple times, with your desired suffix for the files containing the experimental results.
To run the synthesizer in one single process, simply change the different
argument to same
sh bin/sa_no_opt_triage_eval.sh Catcher 300 20 0.95 500 10 same 1 first_run
Some imports might have to be fixed in the pygame_games directory. Prefix imports with pygame_games.
in the relevant files for which import errors are raised. Only do this for imports from the pygame_games repo. Do not prefix other imports, such as import pygame
with pygame_games.
Type in the following command in a terminal opened from the root directory to see all the command-line arguments that can be used to configure the synthesizer.
python -m src.main -h
The following information should be displayed:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--eval-type {CHEBY,NORMAL,BATCH}
Run batch evaluation
--config CONFIG_NAME Configuration name for the synthesizer. Used with -mr option.
-g {Catcher,Pong,FlappyBird,Snake}, --game {Catcher,Pong,FlappyBird,Snake}
Game for which a strategy will be synthesized
--ibr Run the Iterated Best Response. Will only with 2-player games.
Name of log file in which results of search will be stored
-mr RUNS, --multi RUNS
Run synthesizer multi-times. Must specify a config name
--no-warn Hide warning messages
-o, --optimize Run Bayesian Optimizer on top of synthesizer
--optimizer-iter N_ITER
Number of iterations that the optimization process is run. Must be used with --optimize option
--optimizer-kappa KAPPA
Kappa value to use with Bayesian Optimizer. Must be used with --optimize option
--optimizer-triage Run Bayesian Optimizer with triage. Must be used with --optimize option
-p, --parallel Run the optimizer with parallel processing features
--plot Generate plot during synthesis
--plot-name PLOT_FILENAME
Name of file storing the plotted figure if --plot is specified
--sa-option {1,2} Option 1 makes it less likely for SA to be stuck in a local max
--save Save result of search
Initial score threshold to be achieved by programs synthesized with BUS
Search Algorithm (Simulated Annealing or Bottom-Up Search)
--show-args Show arguments passed in to synthesizer
Running time limit in seconds
Run triage evaluation (can be used with batch evaluation)
--tg TOTAL_GAMES, --total-games TOTAL_GAMES
Number of games to be played by programs during evaluation
-v Logs more information to specified file during synthesis
The above command-line arguments can be specified after python -m src.main
to further configure the synthesizer and run it from the command-line without using the provided bash scripts. For instance,
python -m src.main -g Catcher -t 300 -o --optimizer-triage --tg 10
The domain-specific language (DSL) that was implemented in src/DSL.py can be summarized in the following context-free grammar (CFG):
- I is the initial symbol.
- The A symbol provides access to an array of actions.
- The D symbol provides arithmetic operations and the domain-specific functions (DSFs) through D1 and D2.
- T provides constants that can be used in the arithmetic operations.
- S1 is the production rule for potentially nested if statements and/or successive if statements.
- S2 adds if-else statements.
- B provides comparison operators.
- ε represents an empty string.
Unit tests are implemented in tests/ using the unittest module in python. One can also install nose2 and run the following command in the root directory to execute all the tests:
python -m nose2