This project is a minimal example (1 cpp file) of how to get Apple anisette data used for making iCloud requests like resigning apps or downloading offline finding location reports. This example is based on the method used by AltSever for Windows, which works by extracting the anisette data from Apple's iCloud and iTunes for Windows apps. I wrote this piece of sample code in an effort to find out how difficult it would be to get openhaystack running on Windows. See openhaystack #63 for more info.
- Install the Windows iTunes and iCloud apps from Apple's website (the Microsoft Store versions don't work)
- Make sure both apps are running
- Open the included VisualStudio solution and select Debug or Release, x86 from the build options (you have to build in 32bit mode, since the loaded iTunes / iCloud DLLs are also only 32bit)
- Build and run!
The built executable outputs the request headers for making offline finding report download requests as described in table 4 of the paper openhaystack is based on.
Sample Output:
Loading DLLs
Authorization: BASE64("appleid_uuid:search-party-token")
X-Apple-I-MD-RINFO: 17106176
X-Apple-I-MD-M: GUlN5KF92q9czOxk94MXTt9sfyGqEGE+7LoIYSJO07hUIIBdBPewuEebvwGjf8pYsMty2W5yhRuG2I98
X-Apple-I-TimeZone: UTC
X-Apple-I-ClientTime: 2021-11-15T13:35:54Z
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: searchpartyd/1 <iMac20,1>/<Mac OS X;10.15.6;19G2021>