is the package to convert a joy msg to autoware commands (e.g. steering wheel, speed control, shift, turn signal, engage) for a vehicle.
# With default config (ds4)
ros2 launch autoware_joy_speed_controller joy_controller.launch.xml
# Default config but select from the existing parameter files
ros2 launch autoware_joy_speed_controller joy_controller_param_selection.launch.xml joy_type:=ds4 # or g29, p65, xbox
# Override the param file
ros2 launch autoware_joy_speed_controller joy_controller.launch.xml config_file:=/path/to/your/param.yaml
Name | Type | Description |
~/input/joy |
sensor_msgs::msg::Joy | joy controller command |
Name | Type | Description |
~/control/command/control_cmd |
autoware_control_msgs::msg::Control | lateral and longitudinal control command |
~/control/command/gear_cmd |
autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::GearCommand> | gear command |
~/control/command/turn_indicators_cmd |
autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::TurnIndicatorsCommand | turn signal command |
~/control/command/hazard_lights_cmd |
autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::HazardLightsCommand | hazard light command |
~/control/current_gate_mode |
tier4_control_msgs::msg::GateMode | gate mode (Auto or External) |
~/output/heartbeat |
tier4_external_api_msgs::msg::Heartbeat | heartbeat |
~/output/vehicle_engage |
autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::Engage | vehicle engage |
~/control/command/emergency_cmd |
tier4_vehicle_msgs::msg::VehicleEmergencyStamped | emergency command |
~/autoware/engage |
autoware_vehicle_msgs::msg::Engage | autoware engage command |
Parameter | Type | Description |
joy_type |
string | Type of joystick controller (default: DS4) |
update_rate |
double | Frequency (Hz) at which control commands are published |
steer_ratio |
double | Ratio used to scale steering input to achieve the desired steering response |
steer_rate |
double | Rate at which the steering ratio is applied to achieve the required steering response |
steering_angle_velocity |
double | Maximum rate of change for the steering angle |
velocity_gain |
double | Gain factor used to convert acceleration input to velocity |
max_velocity |
double | Maximum allowable velocity in both forward and reverse directions |
accel_smooth_factor |
double | Smoothing factor applied to acceleration for smoother transitions |
decel_smooth_factor |
double | Smoothing factor applied to deceleration for smoother transitions |
Action | Button |
Decrease Speed | × |
Increase Speed | □ |
Steering | Left Stick Left Right |
Shift up | Cursor Up |
Shift down | Cursor Down |
Shift Drive | Cursor Left |
Shift Reverse | Cursor Right |
Turn Signal Left | L1 |
Turn Signal Right | R1 |
Clear Turn Signal | SHARE |
Gate Mode | OPTIONS |
Emergency Stop | PS |
Clear Emergency Stop | PS |
Autoware Engage | ○ |
Autoware Disengage | ○ |
Vehicle Engage | △ |
Vehicle Disengage | △ |