A Python 3 implementation of the Integrated Semantic Framework that provides computational deep semantic analysis by combining structural semantics from construction grammars and lexical semantics from ontologies in a single representation.
is only a back-end semantic parsing module that runs on command-line interaface or in Python programs.
If you want a friendly graphical user interface, please use visualkopasu.
To parse a sentence, use coolisf text
python -m coolisf text "I drink green tea." -f dmrs
:`I drink green tea.` (len=5)
dmrs {
10000 [pron<0:1> x ind=+ num=sg pers=1 pt=std];
10001 [pronoun_q<0:1> x ind=+ num=sg pers=1 pt=std];
10002 [_drink_v_1_rel<2:7> e mood=indicative perf=- prog=- sf=prop tense=pres];
10003 [udef_q<8:18> x num=sg pers=3];
10004 [_green+tea_n_1_rel<8:18> x num=sg pers=3];
0:/H -> 10002;
10001:RSTR/H -> 10000;
10002:ARG1/NEQ -> 10000;
10002:ARG2/NEQ -> 10004;
10003:RSTR/H -> 10004;
# 10002 -> 01170052-v[drink/lelesk]
# 10004 -> 07935152-n[green tea/lelesk]
For batch processing, create a text file with each sentence on a separate line.
For example here is the content of the file demo.txt
I drink green tea.
Sherlock Holmes has three guard dogs.
A soul is not a living thing.
Do you have any green tea chest?
After that, run the following parse
command to analyse the text and write the output to demo_out.xml
python -m coolisf parse demo.txt -o demo_out.xml
Here is an example of using coolisf in a Python code
from coolisf import GrammarHub
ghub = GrammarHub()
# parse an English text
sent = ghub.ERG_ISF.parse("I love drip coffee.")
# print semantic structures for all potential readings
for reading in sent:
dmrs {
10000 [pron<0:1> x ind=+ num=sg pers=1 pt=std];
10001 [pronoun_q<0:1> x ind=+ num=sg pers=1 pt=std];
10002 [_love_v_1_rel<2:6> e mood=indicative perf=- prog=- sf=prop tense=pres];
10003 [udef_q<7:19> x num=sg pers=3];
10004 [_drip+coffee_n_1_rel<7:19> x num=sg pers=3];
0:/H -> 10002;
10001:RSTR/H -> 10000;
10002:ARG1/NEQ -> 10000;
10002:ARG2/NEQ -> 10004;
10003:RSTR/H -> 10004;
Fore more information, please refer to the documentation for coolisf at https://coolisf.readthedocs.io
The coolisf
package itself is available on PyPI and it can be installed using pip
pip install coolisf
However, it can be tricky to acquire all the required components and data. Please find version specific prerequisites and installation instructions on coolisf's official Github release page.
If you encounter any problems or difficulties, please submit a ticket for support at: https://github.com/letuananh/intsem.fx/issues