Next-generation cluster UI prototype
Building requires Go v1.9.
go get -u
The rest of the instructions assume that the current working directory
is $GOPATH/src/
Generating api_structs.go
requires the cibToGoStruct
utility found
at to be installed. This file
is generated from the pacemaker schema, so a new schema version in
Pacemaker requires regenerating this file.
SSLGEN_KEY=hawk.key SSLGEN_CERT=hawk.pem ./tools/generate-ssl-cert
go generate
go build
go test
Pass -config <config>
as an argument to give the server a
configuration file. The format is a json dictionary with key / value
The available configuration values are described below. If a value is set both in the configuration file and in a command line argument, the command line argument takes precedence.
: Path to SSL key. (argument: -key) -
: Path to SSL certificate. (argument: -cert) -
: TCP port to listen to for connections. (argument: -port) -
: List of json maps that configure the routing table.
The route format is very limited and adapted to serving hawk, but enable reconfiguration of the exact paths to certificates, files and sockets.
"key": "/etc/hawk/hawk.key",
"cert": "/etc/hawk/hawk.pem",
"port": 7630,
"route": [
"handler": "api/v1",
"path": "/api/v1"
"handler": "monitor",
"path": "/monitor"
"handler": "file",
"path": "/",
"target": "/usr/share/hawk/public"
"handler": "proxy",
"path": "/",
"target": "unix:///var/run/hawk/app.sock"
Testing using curl:
curl --insecure -u hacluster:<pass> https://<server>:<port>/api/v1/cib
Basic auth: Get user:password from HTTP headers. Map to system user. Verify that system user is a member of the haclient group.
Cookie auth (cookie created by hawk rails app): If a valid cookie is found in the HTTP headers, this is accepted as authentication. Session cookie is stored in attrd.
HTTP verbs:
- POST: Create new resources
- GET: Retrieve resource
- PUT: Update resource (should be idempotent)
- PATCH: Update resource (not yet supported)
- DELETE: Delete a resource
GET /api/v1/features
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/attributes
GET /api/v1/cib/status
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/crm_config
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/crm_config/{id}
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/nodes
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/nodes/{id}
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/resources
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/resources/{id}
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/constraints
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/constraints/{id}
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/fencing
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/acls
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/acls/{id}
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/tags
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/tags/{id}
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/alerts
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/alerts/{id}
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/op_defaults
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/op_defaults/{id}
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/rsc_defaults
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/cib/configuration/rsc_defaults/{id}
The web server SHOULD support the Shadow CIB feature, which includes
the simulator interface. If the Shadow CIB feature is supported, the
object returned by GET /api/v1/features
MUST include shadow: true
All endpoints can also receive these extra arguments to determine which CIB is being accessed:
: (DEV only) Refers to a path on the server.CIB_shadow
: Identifier for the shadow CIB residing on the server.
Adds the following API endpoints which creates or deletes the server shadow CIB identifier. Use the CIB_shadow parameter together with the regular configuration API to modify the actual contents of the shadow CIB.
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/shadow
GET/POST/PUT/DELETE /api/v1/shadow/{id}
PUT /api/v1/shadow/{id}
Adds the following API endpoints to invoke the simulator:
POST/PUT /api/v1/shadow/{id}/simulate
The simulator accepts the special identifier live
as ID to simulate
using the live CIB as input.
The simulator run and the results are returned as part of the request body.
There should be some way to subscribe to CIB events via the API.
Exactly what form this should take (WebSockets, long polling, etc.) remains to be decided.
Unix socket reverse proxy support
Cache for the file handler to avoid stat()ing on every request