dolka is a transitional R package aimed at helping to use rlibkriging as an alternative to DiceKriging when doing Bayesian optimization with DiceOptim or when performing kriging inversion with KrigInv.
The name is built as an acronym for DiceOptim with the LibKriging Alternative.
The idea is to rely on R methods, be they S3 or S4, to allow an easy
switch from an object with class "km"
to an other object with a
different class for instance "KM"
in the rlibriging R package. The
key methods to be enhanced are the predict
and update
methods since
most of the tasks in Bayes optimization and kriging inversion rely on
these methods. The method simulate
is also important. In a first step,
these methods will be re-implemented in dolka based on existing
source codes from the packages cited, in view of overloading the
existing methods for the "km"
class. Then, we will suggest some light
refactoring to the authors of DiceOptim, KrigInv and maybe to
those of other packages using DiceKriging, if they want their
package to allow the use of both DiceKriging and libKriging via
its R interface rlibkriging.
Of major importance in Bayesian optimisation, the predict
should be able to provide the derivative of the kriging mean and the
kriging covariance w.r.t. one or several “new” design points. This is
made possible by using the deriv
argument in the predict
method for
the class "km"
provided by dolka, which overloads the existing
method when dolka is attached.
functions are wrapers for the optimization functiongenoud
from the rgenoud package andoptim
from stats. In both cases the function to be optimized and its gradient are provided as one single function returning a named list with the elementsobjective
as is the rule in the nloptr package. Compared to using two separated functions, this usually allows some savings due to the use of auxiliary variables. To stick to the use ofgenoud
the two required functionsfn
are created “on the fly” in the wrapers, the gradient being “cached” in an environment. -
The Bayesian optimization criteria to be optimized at each step (Expected Improvement, …) are and will be provided in versions
returning the list with objective and the gradient as described above. The computation of the gradient is made optional thanks to thederiv
logical argument, and the functions can return simply the numeric value of the objective, possibly with agradient
attribute. This versatility allows the use of different optimization functions e.g. taken from nloptr. For now the Expected ImprovementEI
and the multi-points a.k.a q-point Expected ImprovementqEI
For now, we do not provide precompiled binary versions (.zip
Windows). These may be provided soon in the
Releases tab.
Since dolka does not for now need compilation (it doe not embed C or Cpp program files), the remotes package can be used.
If you have the Rtools installed, you can also rely on devtools package
In both cases many options are available e.g. to select a specific branch or commit. See the manuals of remotes or devtools for more information.
If you do not have yet a local dolka
repository, use git clone
clone the dolka
git clone
This will create a dolka
sub-directory of the current directory,
i.e. the directory from which the git command was issued.
With these systems you can install a package from its source. Move to the parent directory of your cloned repository and use the following command from a terminal to create a tarball source file
R CMD build dolka
This will produce a so-called source tarball file dolka_x.y.z
, y
and z
stand for the major, minor and patch version numbers.
Then you can install from a command line
R CMD INSTALL dolka_x.y.z.tar.gz
Of course if you are using the RStudio IDE you can install the source tarball using the menu Tools/Install Packages… Note that a source tarball file is called a Package Archive File in RStudio.
Provided that you have the Rtools installed, you can use the same commands as Linux and MacOS sytems.
Moreover you can create a so-called precompiled binary file using
R CMD INSTALL --build dolka_x.y.z.tar.gz
This will create a
file that can be used on a Windows
plateform which may not be equipped with the Rtools. For instance,
with RStudio you can use the menu Tools/Install Packages
select Install from:
to install a precompiled .zip