13 commits
to master
since this release
Linux-X64: pandoc-crossref v0.3.18.0 git commit 57dc591 (HEAD) built with Pandoc v3.6, pandoc-types v1.23.1 and GHC 9.6.6
Windows-X64: pandoc-crossref v0.3.18.0 git commit 57dc591 (HEAD) built with Pandoc v3.6, pandoc-types v1.23.1 and GHC 9.6.6
macOS-ARM64: pandoc-crossref v0.3.18.0 git commit 57dc591 (HEAD) built with Pandoc v3.6, pandoc-types v1.23.1 and GHC 9.6.6
macOS-X64: pandoc-crossref v0.3.18.0 git commit 57dc591 (HEAD) built with Pandoc v3.6, pandoc-types v1.23.1 and GHC 9.6.6