2 commits
to master
since this release
Linux-X64: pandoc-crossref v0.3.18.1 git commit 9f97195 (HEAD) built with Pandoc v3.6, pandoc-types v1.23.1 and GHC 9.8.4
Windows-X64: pandoc-crossref v0.3.18.1 git commit 9f97195 (HEAD) built with Pandoc v3.6, pandoc-types v1.23.1 and GHC 9.8.4
macOS-ARM64: pandoc-crossref v0.3.18.1 git commit 9f97195 (HEAD) built with Pandoc v3.6, pandoc-types v1.23.1 and GHC 9.8.4
macOS-X64: pandoc-crossref v0.3.18.1 git commit 9f97195 (HEAD) built with Pandoc v3.6, pandoc-types v1.23.1 and GHC 9.8.4
Minor refactor to avoid new warnings introduced in GHC 9.8.
Switch CI compiler to GHC 9.8.4.
Add some potentially useful references to the documentation.
Fix image scaling in docx for
. See
#394 for details.