Our users can use images from external domains on LinuxFr.org. This component is a reverse-proxy / cache for these images.
The main benefits of using a proxy instead of linking directly the images are:
- No flood: images can be hosted on small servers that are not able to handle all the traffic from LinuxFr.org, so we avoid to flood them
- History: even if a server is taken down, we are able to keep serving images that are already used on our pages
- Security: on the HTTPS pages, we won't include images from other domains that are available only in HTTP, so it prevents browsers from displaying warning about unsafe pages
- Privacy: the users won't connect to the external domains, so their IP addresses won't be logged on these servers.
Side effects:
- file is changed on remote side (modified or converted into another format), new file will be served after the next fetch
- file is deleted on remote side, file won't be served after the next try to fetch
Install Go and don't forget to set $GOPATH
$ go get -v -u github.com/linuxfrorg/img-LinuxFr.org
$ img-LinuxFr.org [-a addr] [-r redis] [-l log] [-d dir] [-u agent] [-e avatar] [-c]
And, to display the help:
$ img-LinuxFr.org -h
Build and run Docker image:
$ docker build -t linuxfr.org-img .
$ docker run --publish 8000:8000 linuxfr.org-img
Accepted requests are:
GET /status
(expected answer is HTTP 200 with "OK" body)GET /img/<encoded_uri>
orGET /img/<encoded_uri>/<filename>
GET /avatars/<encoded_uri>
orGET /avatars/<encoded_uri>/<filename>
where <filename>
is the name given to the file, and encoded_uri
is the uri
converted into hexadecimal string.
Example: http://nginx/red_100x100.png
could be accessed as GET /img/687474703A2F2F6E67696E782F7265645F313030783130302E706E67/square_red.png
graph TD
A[ HTTP request ] --> B[ Status /status ]
B --> |GET| SA[ 200 ]
B --> |otherwise| SB[ 405 ]
A --> C[ Avatar /avatars/ or image /img/ ]
C --> AA[ bad/invalid path/method 40x]
C --> AC[ check url status]
AC --> AD[ undeclared image 404]
AC --> AE[ invalid URI 404]
AC --> AF[ admin block 404]
AC --> AG[ already in cache]
AC --> AH[ previous fetch in error]
AH --> AL[ not in cache answers 404]
AH --> AK[ serve from cache]
AC --> AI[ fetch]
AI --> | first fetch | AJ[ fetch from server]
AJ --> | any DNS/TLS/HTTP error | AM[ answers 404]
AJ --> | not a 200/304 | AN[ set in error and answers 404]
AJ --> | too big content | AN
AJ --> | content-type | AN
AJ --> AO[manipulate aka resize if avatar]
AN --> AP[save in cache]
AO --> AK
- HTTP 404s for avatars are converted into redirection to default avatar address.
means thatimg/<uri>
in Redis contains acreated_at
field.admin block
means thatimg/<uri>
in Redis contains astatus
field with "Blocked" value.in error
means thatimg/err/<uri>
in Redis exists and file is not in cache from a previous fetch.in cache
means thatimg/<uri>
in Redis contains achecksum
field. And if img/updated/` exists, the cache is up-to-date this remote server.
graph TD
A[ undeclared ] -->|img/uri created_at| B[declared]
B --> |img/uri status Blocked| C[ admin block]
B --> |img/err/uri| K[ fetch in error]
K --> |img/uri/checksum| E[ serve from cache disk]
K --> |not in cache| D[ in error ]
D --> |cache refresh interval| B
B --> |img/updated/uri exists| E
B --> |no img/updated/uri| F[fetch from server]
F --> |got 304| G[reset cache timer]
F --> |got 200| H[save in cache]
F --> K
F --> |img/err/uri| D
H --> |different checksum| I[save on disk]
H --> |same checksum| G
I --> |img/uri type, checksum, etag| J[on disk]
J --> G
G --> |cache refresh interval| B
(extracted from full LinuxFr.org Redis schema)
Key | Type | Value | Expiration | Description |
img/<uri> |
hash | no | Images, with fields 'created_at': seconds since Epoch, 'status': 'Blocked' if administratively blocked (by moderation), 'type': content-type like 'image/jpeg' (set by img daemon), 'checksum': SHA1 (set by img daemon), and 'etag': etag (set by img daemon) |
img/blocked |
list | URIs | no | Images blocked by moderation team |
img/err/<uri> |
string | error | 1h | Image fetch in error, like "Invalid content-type", created by img daemon |
img/latest |
list | URIs | no, limited | Last images as <uri> , limited to NB_IMG_IN_LATEST = 100 |
img/updated/<uri> |
string | modtime | 1h | Cached images, created by img daemon, value like "Thu, 12 Dec 2013 12:28:47 GMT" |
Testsuite requires docker-compose.
cd tests/
docker-compose up --build
If everything went well, expect at the end:
linuxfr.org-img-test_1 | All tests looks good!
tests_linuxfr.org-img-test_1 exited with code 0
Extra checks (linter for Dockefile, Go, and vulnerability/secret scan):
docker run --rm --interactive hadolint/hadolint < Dockerfile
docker run --rm --volume $(pwd)/Dockerfile:/app/Dockerfile --workdir /app replicated/dockerfilelint Dockerfile
docker run --rm --interactive hadolint/hadolint < tests/Dockerfile
docker run --rm --volume $(pwd)/tests/Dockerfile:/app/Dockerfile --workdir /app replicated/dockerfilelint Dockerfile
docker run --rm --tty --volume $(pwd):/app --workdir /app golangci/golangci-lint:v1.64.3 golangci-lint run -v
docker run --rm --volume $(pwd):/app --workdir /app aquasec/trivy repo .
The code is licensed as GNU AGPLv3. See the LICENSE file for the full license.
♡2012-2018 by Bruno Michel. Copying is an act of love. Please copy and share.
2022-2025 by Benoît Sibaud and Adrien Dorsaz.