Bachelor of Engineering thesis, Faculty of Technical Science, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2015
Implementation and revision of Zhengyou Zhang's algorithm for camera calibration, Flexible Camera Calibration By Viewing a Plane From Unknown Orientations, 1999.
Here is compiled version for Windows 8, compiled using Visual Studio 2013.
All needed dlls should be there - if there's any missing, please let me know via email, it would help a lot!
Program offers pattern detection routine, and calibration routine. Calibration pattern detection can be triggered using flags:
camera_calibration --detection --p-rows 6 --p-cols 9
After storing the calibration pattern corners (let's say you've stored it as, path to that stored file needs to be given as first argument for calibration program:
camera_calibration ./path/to/
Program should output the calibration results, and write reprojection points in the same directory as executable, as reprojection_*.png.
This project relies on LibCV library, present in other repository of mine:
It is developed using the version of the library which was tagged as v0.1 in github, and it can be downloaded as that release tag:
Compilation should be straight-forward on any linux distro using GCC with c++11 support, and is tested on Windows 8 using VC13. See LibCV readme for more info on compilation. As long as the LibCV is compiled, compilation of this project should be easy using CMake (GUI).