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Sync data from SpeelotheekSoftware Access to Lend Engine


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Access <> Lend Engine

Sync data from SpeelotheekSoftware's Access to Lend Engine.

There is also a document on how to setup Lend Engine for toy libraries. This discusses migrating data and making the correct settings.


  • Install: Docker Desktop on Mac, Docker Engine is enough for Linux

    • Mac: no need to sign in with a Docker account when the installer asks you to.
    • Mac: under 'Settings' -> 'General' disable 'SBOM indexing'.
    • Mac: use ./script/* for managing docker instead of the control panel of Docker Desktop for Mac.
    • Linux: follow Docker post-installation to manage docker without root.
  • Run ./script/setup

  • Run ./script/server

  • Run ./script/console composer install


1. Export data from SpeelotheekSoftware's Access

  • Export Access tables
    • Artikel
    • ArtikelStatus
    • ArtikelStatusLogging
    • ArtikelType
    • ArtikelUitleenDuur
    • KasboekType
    • Lid
    • LidStatus
    • LidType
    • Medewerker
    • Melding
    • MeldingSoort
    • Merk
    • Onderdeel
    • OnderdeelMutatie
    • Opening
    • Openingstijd
    • Plaats
    • Straat
    • Tarief
    • TariefEenheid
    • TariefPeriode
    • Verantwoordelijke
  • Export website CSVs (alternative if previous export doesn't work)
    • Artikelen_<csvTimestamp>
    • ArtikelTypes_<csvTimestamp>
    • Merken_<csvTimestamp>
  • Place all exported files in data/.
  • Copy article photos in data/photos/, using their code as file name, e.g. B42.jpg.

2. Run scripts

Run each command with ./script/console ./script/command <commandName> <optionalExtraArguments>.

You can run ./script/console ./script/command <commandName> --help to get more information about any extra arguments.

Each script migrates a part of the data, you can choose which to run and do a manual migration for the rest.

Data Command Contents
Get insight in contacts insight-contacts Contacts without email address and contacts which share an email address.
Alter email addresses in the following export to prevent duplicates when importing.
Contacts convert-contacts Contact basics: name, email, phone, address, membership number, etc.
Items convert-items Item basics: name, code, category, brand, price, etc.
Items alternative convert-website-csvs [csvTimestamp] Item basics, alternative method with webcatalogus CSVs.
Parts gather-extra-data-item-parts Count, description.
Parts mutations gather-extra-data-item-part-mutations Count missing/broken, explanation.
Images gather-extra-data-item-images photos Item images (SQL and converted image files).
Memberships gather-extra-data-memberships Contact <> Subscription, period.
Item status gather-extra-data-item-location Locations ("status") for items.
Loans gather-extra-data-loans Loans which are still active/overdue.
Notes gather-extra-data-notes Messages ("meldingen") for contacts and items.
Contact notes gather-extra-data-contact-notes Specifics ("bijzonderheden") for contacts.
Items extras gather-extra-data-items Item created, show on catalogus.
Contacts extras gather-extra-data-contacts Contact created.
Contacts obfuscation obfuscate-contacts [timestamp] Obfuscate contact migration so it can be used to test with.
Item warnings insight-warnings Items with warnings, insight for manual import.

Here's all the commands after each other. Run them one-by-one as some are not needed for your use case, and some have interactive output.

./script/console ./script/command insight-contacts
./script/console ./script/command insight-warnings
./script/console ./script/command convert-contacts
./script/console ./script/command convert-items
./script/console ./script/command convert-website-csvs [csvTimestamp]
./script/console ./script/command gather-extra-data-item-parts
./script/console ./script/command gather-extra-data-item-part-mutations
./script/console ./script/command gather-extra-data-item-images photos
./script/console ./script/command gather-extra-data-memberships
./script/console ./script/command gather-extra-data-item-location
./script/console ./script/command gather-extra-data-loans
./script/console ./script/command gather-extra-data-notes
./script/console ./script/command gather-extra-data-contact-notes
./script/console ./script/command gather-extra-data-items
./script/console ./script/command gather-extra-data-contacts
./script/console ./script/command obfuscate-contacts [timestamp]

Output files LendEngine*.csv & LendEngine*.sql will be added in data/.

Don't forget to update duplicate email addresses in LendEngine_01_Contacts_[timestamp].csv before importing.

3. Import CSVs in Lend Engine admin

The CSVs from the above scripts (LendEngine*.csv for items & contacts) can be imported via Lend Engine's CSV import admin.

  • Import contacts (Admin » Settings » Import contacts)
    • Copy the contents of LendEngine_01_Contacts_[timestamp].csv OR LendEngine_01_Contacts_[timestamp]_obfuscated_[timestamp].csv.
  • Import items (Admin » Items » Bulk update)
    • Copy the contents of LendEngine_02_Items_[timestamp].csv OR LendEngine_02_ItemsAlternative_[timestamp].csv.
    • Copy quotes along (copy raw content using text editor, not the selection when opening in a spreadsheet program) to support newlines.
    • Enable "Create new items where code is not found".

4. Import SQLs via Lend Engine support

The SQLs from the above scripts (LendEngine*.sql) can't be imported via Lend Engine admin.

Create a zip archive of all LendEngine*.sql files and the export_<timestamp>/ directory with migrated photos. You can upload to WeTransfer and contact Lend Engine support ( and ask to import this for you.

Wait until this is done before changing things in Lend Engine yourself to prevent conflicts.

5. Cleanup

Don't forget to delete the exported files locally as they contain sensitive user data.

6. Configure Lend Engine

  • Rename migrated membership types (Admin » Settings » Membership types) to something that makes more sense. Delete the ones not used.

Manual migration

Employee status

Go through all staff in the contacts (Admin » Contacts / Members) and mark them as staff or administrator.

Item warnings

In Access item warnings are unique for each item. In Lend Engine item warnings are created as predefined generic types, and used at specific items. Thus when migrating you need to decide which warnings you want to use, create those, and then use those in items.

Here's how the concepts are mapped between Access and Lend Engine:

Access Lend Engine
"Uitlenen" Check out prompt
"Inname" Check in prompt
"Controle" Check in prompt
"Uitleen-info" Item field or Custom field
  • Run the insight-warnings command and open the resulting CSVs.
  • Use the WarningsWithItems CSV to find items beloging to a generic type of warning.
  • Use the ItemsWithWarnings CSV to go through items which have warnings.
  • Open the item in Lend Engine (Admin » Items » Browse items).
  • If you see a warning that you don't have a generic type for yet: create a generic type (Admin » Settings » Check out prompts / Check in prompts / Item fields).
  • Afterwards (or when you're importing a warning that you already have a generic type for): connect a generic type to a specific item (Check in/out / Custom fields).



  • A new script can be added to src/command/ and script/command.
  • If using a new export table from Access add it to src/specification/.
  • Mention new scripts (and optionally new tables) to the lists in the readme.

Usage after first setup

Connect to the database

Connect to the database from outside Docker:

  • hostname: localhost
  • port: see SQL_PORT_EXTERNAL in docker.env
  • username/password: see values in docker.env

For managing databases:

  • username: root
  • password: root-secret


Sync data from SpeelotheekSoftware Access to Lend Engine







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