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This implementation uses a Fluentd DaemonSet to collect Kubernetes logs. For Kubernetes, a DaemonSet ensures that some or all nodes run a copy of a pod. Fluentd is flexible enough and has the proper plugins to distribute logs to different third parties, such as

The logzio-k8s image comes pre-configured for Fluentd to gather all logs from the Kubernetes node environment and append the proper metadata to the logs.

You have two options for deployment:

Important notes:

  • K8S 1.19.3+ - If you’re running on K8S 1.19.3+ or later, be sure to use the DaemonSet that supports a containerd at runtime. It can be downloaded and customized fromlogzio-daemonset-containerd.yaml.
  • K8S 1.16 or earlier - If you’re running K8S 1.16 or earlier, you may need to manually change the API version in your DaemonSet to apiVersion: The API versions of ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding are found in logzio-daemonset-rbac.yaml and logzio-daemonset-containerd.yaml. If you are running K8S 1.17 or later, the DaemonSet is set to use apiVersion: by default. No change is needed.
  • The latest version pulls the image from logzio/logzio-fluentd. Previous versions pulled the image from logzio/logzio-k8s.
  • ARM architecture is supported as of logzio/logzio-fluentd:1.0.2.

Deploy logzio-k8s with default configuration

For most environments, we recommend using the default configuration. However, you can deploy a custom configuration if your environment needs it.

To deploy logzio-k8s

1. Create a monitoring namespace

Your DaemonSet will be deployed under the namespace monitoring.

kubectl create namespace monitoring

2. Store your credentials

Save your shipping credentials as a Kubernetes secret.

kubectl create secret generic logzio-logs-secret \
--from-literal=logzio-log-shipping-token='<<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>>' \
--from-literal=logzio-log-listener='https://<<LISTENER-HOST>>:8071' \
-n monitoring
  • Replace <<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>> with the token of the account you want to ship to.
  • Replace <<LISTENER-HOST>> with your region's listener host (for example, For more information on finding your account's region, see Account region.

3. Deploy the DaemonSet

For an RBAC cluster:

kubectl apply -f -f

For a non-RBAC cluster:

kubectl apply -f -f

For container runtime Containerd:

kubectl apply -f -f

For monitoring fluentd with runtime Containerd:

kubectl apply -f -f

For monitoring fluentd with runtime Docker:

kubectl apply -f -f

4. Check for your logs

Give your logs some time to get from your system to ours, and then open Kibana.

If you still don't see your logs, see log shipping troubleshooting.

Deploy logzio-k8s with custom configuration

You can customize the configuration of the Fluentd container. This is done using a ConfigMap that overwrites the default DaemonSet.

To deploy logzio-k8s

1. Create a monitoring namespace

This is the namespace where the Daemonset will be deployed.

kubectl create namespace monitoring

2. Store your credentials

Save your shipping credentials as a Kubernetes secret.

kubectl create secret generic logzio-logs-secret \
--from-literal=logzio-log-shipping-token='<<SHIPPING-TOKEN>>' \
--from-literal=logzio-log-listener='https://<<LISTENER-HOST>>:8071' \
-n monitoring
  • Replace <<LOG-SHIPPING-TOKEN>> with the token of the account you want to ship to.
  • Replace <<LISTENER-HOST>> with your region's listener host (for example, For more information on finding your account's region, see Account region.

3. Configure Fluentd

There are 3 DaemonSet options: RBAC DaemonSet, non-RBAC DaemonSet, Containerd. Download the relevant DaemonSet and open it in your text editor to edit it.

If you wish to make advanced changes in your Fluentd configuration, you can download and edit the configmap yaml file.

Environment variables

The following environment variables can be edited directly from the DaemonSet without editing the Configmap.

Parameter Description
output_include_time Default: true
To append a timestamp to your logs when they're processed, true. Otherwise, false.
Specifies which plugin to use as the backend.
LOGZIO_BUFFER_PATH Default: /var/log/Fluentd-buffers/stackdriver.buffer
Path of the buffer.
Controls the behavior when the queue becomes full.
Maximum size of a chunk allowed
Maximum length of the output queue.
Interval, in seconds, to wait before invoking the next buffer flush.
Maximum interval, in seconds, to wait between retries.
Number of threads to flush the buffer.
LOGZIO_LOG_LEVEL Default: info
The log level for this container.
INCLUDE_NAMESPACE Default: ""(All namespaces)
Use if you wish to send logs from specific k8s namespaces, space delimited. Should be in the following format:
kubernetes.var.log.containers.**_<<NAMESPACE-TO-INCLUDE>>_** kubernetes.var.log.containers.**_<<ANOTHER-NAMESPACE>>_**.
Enable to validate SSL certificates.
FLUENT_FILTER_KUBERNETES_URL Default: nil (doesn't appear in the pre-made Daemonset)
URL to the API server. Set this to retrieve further kubernetes metadata for logs from kubernetes API server. If not specified, environment variables KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST and KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT will be used if both are present which is typically true when running fluentd in a pod.
Please note that this parameter does NOT appear in the pre-made environment variable list in the Daemonset. If you wish to use & set this variable, you'll have to add it to the Daemonset's environment variables.
AUDIT_LOG_FORMAT Default: audit
The format of your audit logs. If your audit logs are in json format, set to audit-json.
CRI The CRI of the cluster. In logzio-daemonset & logzio-daemonset-rbac is set to docker, and in logzio-daemonset-containerd is set to containerd. The configmap uses this var to determin which includes it needs to make for the fluent.conf file, when configuration needs to be adjusted by the CRI.

If you wish to make any further changes in Fluentd's configuration, download the configmap file, open the file in your text editor and make the changes that you need.

4. Deploy the DaemonSet

For the RBAC DaemonSet:

kubectl apply -f /path/to/logzio-daemonset-rbac.yaml -f /path/to/configmap.yaml

For the non-RBAC DaemonSet:

kubectl apply -f /path/to/logzio-daemonset.yaml -f /path/to/configmap.yaml

For container runtime Containerd:

kubectl apply -f /path/to/logzio-daemonset-containerd.yaml -f /path/to/configmap.yaml

5. Check for your logs

Give your logs some time to get from your system to ours, and then open Kibana.

If you still don't see your logs, see log shipping troubleshooting.

Sending logs from nodes with taints

If you want to ship logs from any of the nodes that have a taint, make sure that the taint key values are listed in your in your daemonset configuration as follows:

- key: 

To determine if a node uses taints as well as to display the taint keys, run:

kubectl get nodes -o json | jq ".items[]|{, taints:.spec.taints}"


See the troubleshooting document if you encounter error while running this integration.

Disabling systemd input

To suppress Fluentd system messages, set the FLUENTD_SYSTEMD_CONF environment variable to disable in your Kubernetes environment.

Enable prometheus monitoring

In order to monitor fluentd and collect input & output metrics. You can deploy logzio-daemonset-containerd-monitoring or logzio-daemonset-rbac-monitoring, and configmap-monitoring.yaml. These templates collects and exposes fluentd metrics on port 24231, /metrics endpoint. The templates contains annotations to easly ship when using promehteus shipper.



  • 1.5.6:
    • Upgrade amd image to v1.18.0-debian-logzio-amd64-1.3.
    • Upgrade arm image to v1.18.0-debian-logzio-arm64-1.3.
  • 1.5.5:
    • Upgrade amd image to v1.18.0-debian-logzio-amd64-1.0.
    • Upgrade arm image to v1.18.0-debian-logzio-arm64-1.0.
  • 1.5.4:
    • Upgrade amd image to v1.17.1-debian-logzio-amd64-1.1.
    • Upgrade arm image to v1.17.1-debian-logzio-arm64-1.1.
  • 1.5.3:
    • Upgrade amd image to v1.16.5-debian-logzio-amd64-1.0.
    • Upgrade arm image to v1.16.5-debian-logzio-arm.
  • 1.5.2:
    • Upgrade amd image to v1.16.3-debian-logzio-amd64-2.1.
  • 1.5.1:
    • Upgrade fluentd to 1.16.3.
  • 1.5.0:
    • Upgrade fluentd to 1.16.
    • Upgrade gem fluent-plugin-logzio to 0.2.2:
      • Do not retry on 400 and 401. For 400 - try to fix log and resend.
      • Generate a metric (logzio_status_codes) for response codes from
Expand to check old versions
  • v1.4.0:
    • Upgrade gem fluent-plugin-logzio to 0.1.0:
      • Use fluentd's retry instead of retry in code (raise exception on non-2xx response).
  • v1.3.1:
    • Added fluent-plugin-prometheus.
    • Added logzio-daemonset-containerd-monitoring, logzio-daemonset-rbac-monitoring and configmap-monitoring.yaml which exposes fluentd metrics on the pods port 24231, /metrics endpoint
  • v1.3.0:
    • Added plugin fluent-plugin-dedot_filter.
    • Updated image in daemonset templates, increased memory and cpu requirements.
    • Added configuration for dedot plugin in configmp template.
  • v1.2.0:
    • Upgrade fluentd to 1.15.
    • Upgrade plugin fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter to 3.1.2(#80).
  • v1.1.1:
    • Upgrade plugin fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter to 2.11.1.
    • upgrade plugin fluent-plugin-logzio to 0.0.22.
  • v1.1.0:
    • Upgrade base image to v1.14.
    • Upgrade fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter to 2.10.
  • v1.0.2:
    • The docker image is now available also for ARM architecture.
  • v1.0.1:
    • Upgrade base image to 'fluent/fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset:v1.13-debian-logzio-amd64-1'.
  • v1.0.0:
    • Fluentd configuration will be pulled from configmap.yaml.
    • Allow changing audit logs format via env var AUDIT_LOG_FORMAT.
    • Update API version for RBAC Daemonsets.


This docker image is deprecated. Please use the logzio/logzio-fluentd image instead.

  • v1.1.6
    • Allow changing of SSL configurations.
  • v1.1.5
    • Bumped Fluentd version to v.1.11.5 (thanks @jeroenzeegers).
    • Fixed docker image: changed workdir & removed wrong gem path (thanks @pete911).
    • Configured Fluentd to exclude its own logs.
    • Allow sending logs from specific k8s namespaces.
  • v1.1.4
    • Add fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter.
  • v1.1.3
    • Support containerd.
  • v1.1.2
    • Fix token display issue.
  • v1.1.1
    • Upgrade fluentd base image to v.1.10.4
  • v1.1.0
    • Update deprecated conifg
  • v1.0.9
    • Update base image
    • Update libjemalloc package
  • v1.0.8
    • Update deprecated APIs
  • v1.0.7
    • Update dependencies
  • v1.0.6
    • Use Kubernets secrets for Shipping Token and Listener URL.
    • Fix log level