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STC (Swagger Transform Code) is a tool for converting OpenApi/Swagger/Apifox into code.

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JSR NPM Version



🚧 Encapsulate the "shared" directory.

  • 🐹 Support for Swagger 2/3(OpenApi) and Apifox.
  • 💡 Support plug-in development.
  • 🐣 Built-in transformation languages:
    • TypeScript, almost equivalent to handwriting. Depends on axios, wx.request, fetch.

    xhr/ajax、ofetch planned

    • JavaScript, from TypeScript to it.
    • Dart, dependency on dio.
    • 🚧 Swift ...

Quick start

Download executable files

download by system:

  • stc: Intel-based Mac
  • stc-m: M-series Mac
  • stc-linux:Linux
  • stc-win.exe: Windows


1.Install the @lonu/stc npm package.

pnpm add @lonu/stc -D

2.Open the project's package.json file and add the following command to scripts:

  "scripts": {
    "api": "stc --url="


⚠️ Note: deno will not parse the ~ character as the user's home directory.

stc --url= --outDir=out



Existing Project

Assume a project directory is:

├── src
│   └── apis # Copy the shared directory here.
│       └── shared
│       └── xxx.ts # Other files.


  1. Find the directory of outDir, copy the entire shared directory to the directory of the axios module you encapsulated.

  2. Open the shared > axios > index.ts file, copy the request method, and add it to the axios module you encapsulated. If it is not encapsulated, copy the index.ts file as a new file to avoid the problem of modification being overwritten.

  3. Taking Vue as an example, add the following code to the main.ts file:

import { createApiClient } from './apis/shared/fetchRuntime';

  baseURL: ''
  // onError(msg) {
  //   // 处理错误信息
  // }


  1. Find the directory of outDir, copy the entire directory of shared to the directory of the wechat module you encapsulated.

  2. Open the shared > wechat > ​​index.ts file, copy the request method, and add it to the wx.request code file you encapsulated. If it is not encapsulated, copy the index.ts file as a new file to avoid the problem of modification being overwritten.

  3. Add the following code to the app.ts file:

import { createApiClient } from './apis/shared/fetchRuntime';
// import Notify from './miniprogram_npm/@vant/weapp/notify/notify';

  onLaunch() {
      baseURL: ',
      onError(msg) {
        // Notify({ type: 'danger', message: msg, selector: '#v-notify'})


Option Alias Type Default Description
url string Swagger/OpenApi/Apifox document address, or local path.
outDir o string ./stc_out Output Directory.
client string axios http request client. When lang is ts/js, the possible values ​​are: axios, wechat, fetch.
lang l string ts Language, used for output file suffix.
tag number Specify the tag from the interface url. By default, the first tag is read for the file name.
filter f string[] Filter interfaces. Interfaces that meet the filter conditions will be generated. Example: --filter "/pet*", generate an interface for /pet, and support multiple --filter. For more usage information, please refer to micromatch
conjunction c string By The method's connector, the default value is By.
actionIndex number -1 The method name index, the default value is -1.
shared boolean true Whether to generate the shared directory. [default: true].
version v boolean Output version information.
help h boolean Output help information.

Plug-in development

For convenience, STC can not only develop plugins in Deno, but also provides @lonu/stc npm library, which can develop plugins in Node environment.



⚠️ Prepare the Deno environment.

Create a myPlugin.ts file:

// 引用模块
// import { start } from ''
import { start } from 'jsr:@lonu/stc@^2.10.1'

// Defining plugins
const myPlugin: IPlugin = {
  name: 'stc:MyPlugin',
  lang: 'ts',
  setup(options) {
  onTransform(def, action) {
    // definition
    const defContent: string = parserDefinition(
    // action
    const actionContent: Map<string, string> = parserAction(

    return {
      definition: {
        filename: '_types.ts',
        content: defContent,
      action: actionContent // Here actionContent is of type Map<string, string>, key is the file name, value is the converted code.
  onEnd() {

// 使用插件
  // ...其他配置
  plugins: [myPlugin]


  1. Create a myPlugin.ts file.

  2. Add the @lonu/stc reference and use the start method:

import { start } from '@lonu/stc'
  1. Implement the code that converts definition and action into the target language in the plugin's onTransform hook function.
export const myPlugin: IPlugin = {
  name: 'stc:MyPlugin',
  lang: 'ts',
  setup(options) {
  onTransform(def, action) {
    // definition
    const defContent: string = parserDefinition(
    // action
    const actionContent: Map<string, string> = parserAction(

    return {
      definition: defContent,
      action: actionContent
  onEnd() {

4.In the start method, add plugins:

  // ...other options
  plugins: [myPlugin]

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