Inspired by Twine, Yarn, and the like.
Heavily in alpha. Approaching a point of testing, feedback, and input if you would like to get involved.
some progress posted to twitter
A native desktop app running in Electron. Started from this boilerplate:
Clone this repository and run npm install
in the folder.
This starts the renderer process in hot-module-replacement mode and starts a server sends hot updates to the renderer process (seems like this only needs to be run once?):
$ npm run dev
Run these two commands simultaneously in different console tabs to initiate dev rendering & hot-swap:
$ npm run hot-updates-server
$ npm run start-hot-renderer
- In
, create an option that returns only relevant properties for rendering SVG arrows. - Add HTML export functionality.
- Reorganize how projects are saved to include local media and other future user-generated assets.
- Have new patches created in a context-informed location.
- Add ability to move through link destinations by using arrow keys.
- Move keypresses to Electron API.
- Add ability to search patches.
- Add zooming functionality.
Bramble is brought to you by Audrey Moon aka animalphase.
Contact me on twitter