HELPMATE AI Click here to vote our APP
Helpmate is a AI ChatBot web app where you can ask any question and you will get the answer.

Features 🌟
🤖 Conversational AI Interface
📝 Text Summarization
🧩 Question Answering
📲 Responsive Layout
🎨 Sleek Design
📈 Scalability and Performance
Technologies Used 💻
Instructions for Testing Helpmate AI

Click on the provided link to access the app in your browser. User Interface: You'll be welcomed by a clean, minimalistic interface designed for ease of use. In the text box provided, type in any question you want to ask Helpmate AI. Click the "Generate Answer" button to submit your question.
Helpmate AI will process your question using Google Gemini API and provide you with a comprehensive answer. The answer will be displayed as text in the response section.
Assess the speed and accuracy of responses provided by the app
Ask questions that require factual information, such as: What is the capital of France? Who is the president of the United States? What is the chemical symbol for gold?
Ask questions that require a more comprehensive understanding, such as: What are the ethical implications of artificial intelligence? How can I improve my writing skills? What is the best way to invest in cryptocurrency?
Engage in a conversation with Helpmate AI by asking follow-on questions, providing additional information, or expressing your opinions. Example: Ask a question about the history of the internet. Follow up with a question about the impact of the internet on society. Share your thoughts on the future of the internet.
Ask questions spanning different fields such as science, technology, history, and entertainment. Suggest specific cases to challenge the app’s capabilities.
Thank you for taking the time to test Helpmate AI.
© License ✔️
This project is licensed under the NPM or MIT - see the LICENSE file for details.
Getting Started 🚀 Setup Procedure ⚙️
To run this web application locally, first get google gemini API key from: api-key
1. Clone this repository to your local machine
2. Open App.jsx and then open terminal
3. Now install npm
4. then type the command (npm run dev)
How can you contribute in this projects? 🫱🏻🫲🏼
If you have a good knowledge in Tailwind CSS or React JS and want to contribute in this project just forked this repository and the improve the 𝐔𝐈 of Helpmate and then feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. I reviewed your changes update and then merge your pull request. Please make sure to follow the existing code style and guidelines.
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👍🏻 All Set! 💌