- A mines plugin that tracks blocks broken in specific regions (nodes), replaces them, gives items, and sends client-side block changes.
- Packet-based mines where blocks broken are tracked server-side and clients are sent packets to show a configurable replacement Block when broken.
- Restricts block breaking within a mine's regions to a configured list of blocks.
- A loot table can be configured for suspicious sand and suspicious gravel when replaced.
- This is required because the loot table is not detectable after the block as been brushed.
- Each region has a separate list of blocks that can be broken with separate cooldowns per block.
- Configurable boss bar timer while inside mines.
- WorldGuard
- /skymines help - View the plugin's help message
- /skymines reload - Command to reload the plugin
- /skymines time - Command for a player to view how much time they have for a mine.
- /skymines add - Command to add time for a player to access a specific mine.
- /skymines remove - Command to remove time for a player to access a specific mine.
- /skymines set - Command to set the time for a player to access a specific mine.
- The permission to access the /skymines command.skymines.commands.skymines.reload
- The permission to access /skymines reload.skymines.commands.skymines.help
- The permission to access /skymines help.skymines.commands.skymines.time
- The permission to access /skymines time.skymines.commands.skymines.add
- The permission to access /skymines add.skymines.commands.skymines.remove
- The permission to access /skymines remove.skymines.commands.skymines.set
- The permission to access /skymines set.
- Please create a new Github Issue with your issue, bug, or suggestion.
- If an issue or bug, please post any relevant logs containing errors related to SkyShop and your configuration files.
- I will attempt to solve any issues or implement features to the best of my ability.
Q: What Minecraft versions does this plugin support?
A: 1.21.0, 1.21.1, 1.21.2, 1.21.3, 1.21.4
Q: Are there any plans to support any other versions?
A: No.
Q: Does this work on Spigot and Paper?
A: This will work on Paper and most likely forks of Paper.
Q: Is Folia supported?
A: There is no Folia support at this time. I may look into it in the future though.
- Download the plugin SkyLib.
- Download the plugin from the releases tab and add it to your server.
- Go to SkyLib and follow the "For Developers" instructions.
- Then run:
./gradlew build
I wanted a license that will keep my code open source. I believe in open source software and in-case this project goes unmaintained by me, I want it to live on through the work of others. And I want that work to remain open source to prevent a time when a fork can never be continued (i.e., closed-sourced and abandoned).