WARNING: Development of this repository is taken over by the micro-ROS team. Please go to the micro-ROS/micro_ros_raspberrypi_pico_sdk repository that is actively maintained.
The Pico is an amazing microcontroller and I couldn't wait for ROS 2 support or Arduino Core, so here is my approach.
Once the Arduino Core for RP2040 is out it will be easier to use micro_ros_arduino
Here is a quick way to compile the example given in this repository.
First, make sure the Pico SDK is properly installed and configured:
# Install dependencies
sudo apt install cmake gcc-arm-none-eabi doxygen libnewlib-arm-none-eabi
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/raspberrypi/pico-sdk.git $HOME/pico-sdk
# Configure environment
echo "export PICO_SDK_PATH=$HOME/pico-sdk" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Once the Pico SDK is ready compile the example:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
To flash, hold the boot button, plug the USB and run:
cp pico_micro_ros_example.uf2 /media/$USER/RPI-RP2
Micro-ROS follows the client-server architecture, so you need to start the Micro-ROS Agent:
docker run -it --rm -v /dev:/dev --privileged --net=host microros/micro-ros-agent:foxy serial --dev /dev/ttyACM0 -b 115200
: Contains the board specific implementation of the serial transport (no change needed).CMakeLists.txt
: CMake file.pico_micro_ros_example.c
: The actual ROS 2 publisher.
Micro-ROS is precompiled for Raspberry Pi Pico in uros_ws/firmware/build
If you want to compile it by yourself then check the uros_ws
Here is a Raspberry Pi Pico C/C++ SDK documentation: