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Store embedded software workflows. Do not forget this is PUBLIC repository.

Implemented Reusable Workflows:

  • Prepare Environment (prepare_env.yml): By parsing the github context, it sets the variables RELEASE_VERSION and RELEASE_REPO for the next workflows. The RELEASE_VERSION will be 999.999.999 for a regular commit to a non-master branch. For a merge to a master branch, it will get the nightly build format <>-merge-<branch>. For a tag in a branch, it will take the tag version (if properly formatted). The RELEASE_REPO will have the Cloudsmith target repository to upload the package: night-builds for a merge to a master branch, packages-released for a tag without the -dev in a master branch suffix and packages-dev for a tag with the -dev suffix in a non-master branch. If the BUILD_DOCKER_CACHE input boolean is set to true, it will also login in the Github Container Registry and call -a build_docker_cache in order to cache the docker image. This technique is currently used by (and can be copied from) Opinicus to cache the docker image.

  • Shellcheck (shellcheck.yml): Call ./ -a shellcheck for the repository.

  • Build Package (build.yml): Uses the RELEASE_VERSION from Prepare Environment to make a package by calling ./ -a build. The resulting package is uploaded as an artifact.

  • Unit Test (unit_test.uml): Might be used to run the unit tests for the repository if this can be encapsulated using ./ -a unittest.

  • Release Package (release_pkg.yml): Downloads the artifact generated in the Build Package workflow and uploads to Cloudsmith in the repository defined by RELEASE_REPO. It will only run if RELEASE_REPO is not none.

  • Release Docker Image (release_docker_img.yml): Build and Release to Github Packages a docker image. You need to specify two inputs to this workflow: The docker image name (like um-kernel or ultimoco) and the tag prefix used to trigger the docker image build, e.g. docker_img-. In this case, if we tag the repository with docker_img-v1, the prefix will be stripped and the image will be released as version v1. VERY IMPORTANT: After upload, the image will be INTERNAL and NOT connected to any repository. You need to select the package in organizarion (Ultimaker->Packages->package name->Connect Repository) and make it PUBLIC (Ultimaker->Packages->package name->Package Settings->Change Visibility) because our workflows do not authenticate before downloading images - we dont store any private information in the docker images. It is also optional to connect the package to a repository. According to the current Github documentation, connecting a package to a public repository will not count its downloads from the organization bandwitdh, so it is a good idea doing so. The current procedure is to connect the package to this repo (embedded-workflows) and make it Public.

This repository also stores the Dockerfiles to build the images used by CI Linting Tools. These images are pushed to the Gitlab Packages repository (

  • Clang-Format: Dockerfiles/clang-format/
  • Clang-Tidy: Dockerfiles/clang-tidy/
  • CPPCheck: Dockerfiles/cppcheck/