Since the Personio API doesn't provide a developer mode, i created this little docker application to simulate the /v1/company/employees endpoint of the API, as well as the {companyName} site, where job offers are being serialized in xml. As you can pass your own data, you can use this container to create a xml and json GET-endpoint with any data.
docker build -t my-personio-mockup .
docker run -d -p 8080:80 nameOfDockerbuild
This Repo comes preconfigured with two employees and the content of If you want to pass your own data, create a folder and make two files (one for xml and one for json), where you can store your own information.
mkdir ownData
touch ownData/data.json && touch ownData/data.xml
docker run -d -p 8080:80 -v /path/to/ownData:/app/data nameOfDockerbuild
After choosing one of the two methods above, you should see a confirmation at that the server is running.
You can now make GET-Calls to or