A tool for managing a shared device to allow multiple people to code it on the same time. This has been designed for Ubuntu but can also be used on a Raspberry Pi in schools for example.
This includes functionality to allow users to have their own VS code-server instances and automatically setups MySQL accounts.
You could also consider having MySQL installed.
If you're using this app with any significant number of users, you'll likely want to set up daily restarts and updates using cron (or equivalent) to shutdown any vscode instances from that day
You'll also need systemctl available on your system. If you're using wsl, you may need to insert the following into /etc/wsl.conf
This app also assumes you have nothing running on TCP ports 8999
+, if you do, as soon as you clone this repo edit .env
and change the START_PORT
value to a larger value. The maximum port the app will use depends on the maximum number of user's you're expecting. It should be exactly START_PORT + MAX_USERS
but could go up if any user deletes the cached port (~/.setupappport
) in their home directory.
If you need to change the bind port (default 8999
), you'll need to update the port in both .env
and the nginx snippet below.
- Download and install code-server if not already installed, e.g:
wget https://github.com/coder/code-server/releases/download/v4.23.1/code-server_4.23.1_amd64.deb
sudo apt install -y ./code-server_4.23.1_amd64.deb
rm code-server_4.23.1_amd64.deb # optional
- Clone this repo, install the requirements, run the setup script and move it into
git clone git@github.com:maartin0/setup-app
cd setup-app
sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 app.py setup # When prompted, enter a user to generate a login URL for
cd ..
sudo mv setup-app /srv
- Save the URL generated in step 2 (in a text editor somewhere or as a bookmark). Note that the hostname is likely to be incorrect, if so, edit
and update theHOSTNAME=
entry so that future links are generated correctly. - Check permissions are correct (you can adjust these but make sure that all users can execute the scripts in
chmod -R 755 /srv/setup-app
- Install argon2-cli. Since
uses this for password hashes, it's also required by this script. You can run the following which will automatically install the latest version of node ifnpm
isn't available and then prompt you to type iny
isn't already installed. If this is successful, you should see an arbitrary hash generated. Run this as root since the app runs as root and the installation is user-specific.
sudo ./scripts/util/hash-with-argon2.sh
- Install and enable nginx if you haven't already
sudo apt install -y nginx
sudo systemctl enable nginx
- Configure nginx. Go to /etc/nginx/sites-available and edit
cd /etc/nginx/sites-available
sudo nano default
- Find the
entry and verify the port is what you want it to be (probably80
). - If this is a fresh install of nginx, comment out everything in the
block except the twolisten
declarations andserver_name
- Then add the following to the end of the
location /user {
location /bulk {
include /etc/nginx/setup-app/*.conf;
The default
file now should look something like the following:
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server;
server_name _;
location /user {
location /bulk {
include /etc/nginx/setup-app/*.conf;
- Restart nginx
sudo systemctl restart nginx
- Setup the systemctl service
sudo cp patches/setup-app.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable setup-app
sudo systemctl start setup-app
- Navigate to the link generated in step 2. Check "launch vs-code" works and then click on "Administrator tools" if you want to generate more login URLs.
- If you get an error saying "Could not find stored hash", make sure you haven't got any old code-server config files in
. If so, delete this and try again
- /srv/setup-app/lastport.txt
- /srv/setup-app/tokens.json
- /etc/systemd/system/setup-app.service
- /etc/nginx/setup-app/*.conf
- $HOME/.setupappport
- $HOME/.config/code-server/config.yaml
Screenshot of the user control panel (at /user
Screenshot of the bulk account creation tool (at /bulk
There's two separate authentication methods here. The app's own control panel itself and code-server
's authentication.
The app works by generating a random base64 key which is then included in all the URLs and the sha256 hash of that key is then stored in tokens.json
where it can be validated on each request.
supports several authentication methods via it's configuration file at $HOME/.config/code-server/config.yaml
The default method uses a password
entry which just compares the plain text provided on login. The hash of that password is stored as a cookie on the client and compared to the plaintext password on disk.
The method used by this app is via the hashed-password
property which has a bit of an odd implementation, but involves storing a password hash on disk and on login if the provided password matches the hash on disk, then the hash on disk is sent to the client as a cookie and when checking the session the app just checks the cookie value is identical to the value stored in the hashed-password
property. This method doesn't add any security but just obfuscates it. There's a comment about this in the source code.
This has been designed for use on a sandboxed virtual machine on a closed local network. Expose to the internet at your own risk.
Although this isn't the easiest to read, it may help if you're trying to understand the flows behind how this works
start["`client sends request on port 80`"] --> nginx
nginx --> user["`/user?key=...&action=...`"]
user --> hash["`hash key and look for username match in tokens.json`"]
hash --> found{"`username found?`"}
found -- no --> unauthorised["`return unauthorised`"]
found -- yes --> getaction["`get action property`"]
getaction -- generate --> callgenssh["`call gen-ssh-key.sh`"]
callgenssh --> gensshresult["`render result.html with generated key`"]
getaction -- None --> userhtml["`return user.html`"]
getaction -- launch --> callinitvscode["`call init-vscode.sh`"]
callinitvscode --> configyaml{"`does the user have a config.yaml?`"}
configyaml -- no --> initconfigyaml["`initialise with template`"]
initconfigyaml --> portcached{"`does the user have a cached port?`"}
configyaml -- yes --> portcached
portcached -- no --> incrementcounter["`Store and increment the port counter by one`"]
incrementcounter --> writeport["`Write port to config.yaml`"]
portcached -- yes --> writeport
writeport --> nginxmod["`Overwrite /etc/nginx/setup-app/$USERNAME.conf with template and port`"]
nginxmod --> confighash{"`does the config have a password hash?`"}
confighash -- no --> defaultprovided{"`Was a default password hash provided?`"}
defaultprovided -- yes --> insertprovided["`insert provided hash to config`"]
defaultprovided -- no --> generatepwd["`generate, hash and insert random value`"]
insertprovided --> restartcode
generatepwd --> restartcode["`restart code-server if config was changed at any point`"]
confighash -- yes --> restartcode
restartcode --> restartnginx["`restart nginx if port was updated`"]
restartnginx --> redirectcode["`redirect to /code/$USERNAME`"]
nginx --> bulk["`/bulk?key=...`"]
bulk --> hashbulk["`hash key and match token in tokens.json with username`"]
hashbulk --> bulkusernamefound{"`username found?`"}
bulkusernamefound -- no --> unauthorised
bulkusernamefound -- yes --> isadmin{"`is user an administrator?`"}
isadmin -- no --> unauthorised
isadmin -- yes --> getmethod["`Get method`"]
getmethod -- GET --> returnbulk["`return bulk.html`"]
getmethod -- POST --> getuser["`Get next username in provided form`"]
getuser --> userfound{"`Was a user found? (i.e. have we gone through all of them)`"}
userfound -- yes --> userexists{"`Does the user exist?`"}
userfound -- no --> bulkreturn["`Return generated data`"]
userexists -- no --> getuser
userexists -- yes --> initialiseuser["`Call initialise-user.sh to initialise the user if it doesn't already exist`"]
initialiseuser --> shouldgenurl{"`Did the form request URLs to be generated?`"}
shouldgenurl -- no --> getuser
shouldgenurl -- yes --> genkey["`Generate key`"]
genkey --> hashkey["`Hash the generated key using hash-login-key.sh`"]
hashkey --> storetoken["`Store the hashed key in tokens.json`"]
storetoken --> addentry["`Append user and token to csv result buffer`"]
addentry --> getuser
nginx --> code["`/code/$USERNAME`"]
code --> proxy["`Forwarded by nginx to configured code-server instance running on the defined port for that user`"]