Sync cache cleaning among multiple nodes in a cluster setup. Every node has its own cache storage, so we need to sync cache flushes.
composer config repositories.magehost_synccache vcs
composer config repositories.magehost_cm_cache_backend-m2 vcs
composer require magehost/synccache
php bin/magento module:enable MageHost_SyncCache
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
- You need to configure
as cache backend inapp/etc/env.php
. These are extended from Collin Mollenhour's cache classes - After installation go System > Integrations in the Admin to create an integration with the API System > MageHost CacheSync enabled.
- Go to Stores > Configuration > ADVANCED > System > MageHost CacheSync to select the integration and enter the nodes.
php bin/magento module:disable MageHost_SyncCache
composer remove magehost/synccache
composer config --unset repositories.magehost_synccache
composer config --unset repositories.magehost_cm_cache_backend-m2
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
This extension is free, licence: BSD-3-Clause.