Gatling AMQP support
- CAUTION: This is not official library!
- but using 'io.gatling.amqp' for FQCN to deal with 'private[gatling]', sorry.
- inspired by (thanks!)
scala> import io.gatling.amqp.Predef._
scala> amqp.declare(queue("q3", durable = true)).run
implicit val amqpProtocol: AmqpProtocol = amqp
// .vhost("/")
.auth("guest", "guest")
val req = PublishRequest("q1", payload = "{foo:1}")
val scn = scenario("AMQP Publish").repeat(1000) {
setUp(scn.inject(rampUsers(10) over (1 seconds))).protocols(amqpProtocol)
- PublishRequest.persistent make request DeliveryMode(2)
- known issue: persistent reset request's properties
val req = PublishRequest("q1", payload = "{foo:1}").persistent
- set "confirmMode()" in protocol that invokes "channel.confirmSelect()"
implicit val amqpProtocol: AmqpProtocol = amqp
.auth("guest", "guest")
val req = PublishRequest("q1", payload = "{foo:1}")
val scn = scenario("AMQP Publish(ack)").repeat(1000) {
setUp(scn.inject(rampUsers(10) over (1 seconds))).protocols(amqpProtocol)
implicit val amqpProtocol: AmqpProtocol = amqp
.auth("guest", "guest")
.declare(queue("q1", durable = true, autoDelete = false))
val x = exchange("color", "direct", autoDelete = false)
val q = queue("orange")
implicit val amqpProtocol: AmqpProtocol = amqp
.auth("guest", "guest")
.bind(x, q, routingKey = "orange")
- full code: src/test/scala/io/gatling/amqp/PublishingSimulation.scala
implicit val amqpProtocol: AmqpProtocol = amqp
.auth("guest", "guest")
val scn = scenario("AMQP Publish(ack)").exec {
amqp("Consume").consume("q1", autoAck = true)
- full code: src/test/scala/io/gatling/amqp/ConsumingSimulation.scala
- not implemented yet
% sbt
> testOnly io.gatling.amqp.PublishingSimulation
% sbt
> testOnly io.gatling.amqp.ConsumingSimulation
- try
sbt -J-Xmx8192m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=256m
for publishing massive messages
% ./run p foo
- stored in "stats/p/foo"
- cpu: Xeon X5687(3.60GHz)
- mem: 24GB, limit(10GiB), watermark(5GiB)
- version: 3.5.2
- total bytes =
servers * payalod * messages * users
- users = concurrency of AMQP connections
servers | payload | ack | repeat | users | total | sec | qps | spd |
1 | 1 KB | o | 100,000 | 10 | 1 GB | 69 | 14326 | 14.3 MB/s |
1 | 10 KB | o | 10,000 | 10 | 1 GB | 14 | 6778 | 67.8 MB/s |
1 | 100 KB | o | 1,000 | 10 | 1 GB | 11 | 881 | 88.1 MB/s |
1 | 1 MB | o | 100 | 10 | 1 GB | 10 | 97 | 97.8 MB/s |
1 | 10 MB | o | 100 | 1 | 1 GB | - | - | log error |
1 | 10 KB | o | 1,000 | 100 | 1 GB | 17 | 5791 | 57.9 MB/s |
4 | 1 KB | o | 100,000 | 10 | 4 GB | 298 | 13490 | 13.5 MB/s |
4 | 10 KB | o | 10,000 | 10 | 4 GB | 56 | 7208 | 72.1 MB/s |
- log error: statsEngine stopped before working actors finished
servers | payload | ack | repeat | users | total | sec | qps | spd |
1 | 10 KB | o | 100,000 | 10 | 10 GB | 143 | 6983 | 69.8 MB/s |
1 | 10 KB | o | 200,000 | 10 | 20 GB | 301 | 6632 | 66.3 MB/s |
payload | message | users | total | sec | qps | spd |
10 KB | 100 k | 1 | 1 GB | 12 | 8436 | 84.4 MB/s |
10 KB | 2 m | 1 | 20 GB | 179 | 11161 | 111.6 MB/s |
payload | p-ack | repeat | publisher | total | qps | spd | consumer | ack | qps |
10 KB | o | 10,000 | 10 | 1 GB | 6779 | 67.8 MB/s | 1 | auto | 6233 |
10 KB | o | 200,000 | 10 | 20 GB | 7639 | 76.4 MB/s | 1 | auto | 7622 |
- amqp-client-3.5.3
- gatling-sbt-2.1.6 (to implement easily)
- gatling-2.2.0-M3 (live with edge)
- declare exchanges, queues and bindings in action builder context (to test declaration costs)
- make AmqpProtocol immutable
- make Builder mutable
- mandatory
- consume action (manual ack)
released under the MIT License.