It seemed so simple. When is the city coming to pick up your trash? So why do we keep forgetting? Well, it doesn't help when recycling is every other Tuesday. And Monday's trash pickup falls on Patriot's Day. Is that even a real holiday? Does the city recognize it.
Confusion no more! Enter your phone number or email address here, tell us where you live in the city and we'll send you a notification first thing in the morning when it's time to disgard your disgardables.
Powered by the ubiquitous Makefile ... this should be pretty easy:
- make deps (or make deps_mac if you are, you know, on a mac)
- make install
- make run
- open your browser to:
###from your docker-config directory:
git clone
cd wheresyourtrash
docker-compose up -d --build && docker-compose logs -f
###get yourself an admin user:
docker exec -it wheresyourtrash_django-wyt_1 python /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/wheresyourtrash/ createsuperuser
access via (http://:8000) for admin functions, add /admin to the end of the URL (http://:8000/admin)