The purpose was to blend finance + programming into a cohesive project. The Piotroski analysis method is free, can be used same day, and enables folks to get into investing for themselves Piotroski.
- Boilerplate code to create a Piotroski Analysis App
- STATE: this project is designed to be out-of-box user-friendly with no additional downloads
- FEATURES: custom data editor that enables users to filter out F-scores
- PROBLEM SOLVED: limited fintech projects that users can apply in the same month & long-term
- KEY CONCEPTS COVERED: corp finance/RE analysis/python development & deployment
- INSPIRATION: [Ritviks-Course] (
- MOVITVATION: financial programming is extremely rewarding when done properly!
Include any essential instructions for:
- Getting it- fork on github
- Installing It- VS Code is the prefered editor
- Configuring It- requirements.txt should handle all import and dependencies issue
- Running locally- make sure u have a venv setup
- Running in cloud- as of Dec 2023 only tested via streamlit community cloud
- Versioning: 1.5 (no more after 1.6 -> will focus on other apps)
- NA as of Q3'2024
- Upload 10-25 more securities
- CONTENT: include more learning materials for financial programming
- INSIGHTS: include more insights and seasonal trend analysis
- On Home page > uploading files doen't throw error if not formatted properly