Frontend for the libmangal and luaprovider wrapped as a CLI app.
See also how to create lua providers
Documentation is still work in progress... πͺ
mangalcli run "$(cat run.lua)" --vars="title=chainsaw man" --provider mangapill.lua
looks like this;
You can download it by using
mangalcli download
looks like this:
local json = require('json')
local fzf = require('fzf')
local mangas = SearchMangas(Vars.title) -- search with the given title
local volumes = MangaVolumes(, function(manga)
return manga:info().title
end)) -- select the first manga
local chapters = {}
-- get all chapters of the manga
for _, volume in ipairs(volumes) do
for _, chapter in ipairs(VolumeChapters(volume)) do
table.insert(chapters, chapter)
-- chapters encoded in json format for later use, e.g. pipe to jq
and the output would be like the following
"title": "Chapter 1",
"url": "",
"number": 1
"title": "Chapter 2",
"url": "",
"number": 2
// etc
It's not packaged for any package manager yet so the only option is to build from source.
Either like this:
go install
Or like this:
git clone
cd mangalcli
go install .
To download lua providers (e.g. mangapill) use this command
mangalcli download
Scripts use Lua5.1(+ goto statement from Lua5.2)
package from luaprovider
isn't available (subject of change).
Available functions:
--- @alias Manga userdata
--- @alias Volume userdata
--- @alias Chapter userdata
--- @alias Page userdata
--- @alias MangaInfo { title: string, id: number, url: string, cover: string, banner: string }
--- @alias VolumeInfo { number: number }
--- @alias ChapterInfo { title: string, url: string, number: number }
--- @alias Format "pdf" | "cbz" | "images"
--- @alias DownloadOptions { format: Format, directory: string, create_manga_dir: boolean, create_volume_dir: boolean, strict: boolean, skip_if_exists: boolean, download_manga_cover: boolean, download_manga_banner: boolean, write_series_json: boolean, write_comic_info_xml: boolean, read_after: boolean, read_incognito: boolean }
--- Searches mangas by the given query.
--- @param query string
--- @return []MangaInfo
function SearchMangas(query) end
--- Gets all volumes of the given manga.
--- @param manga Manga
--- @return []Volume
function MangaVolumes(manga) end
--- Gets all chapters of the given volume.
--- @param volume Volume
--- @return []Chapter
function VolumeChapters(volume) end
--- Gets all pages of the given chapter.
--- Note, that if you want to download the chapter, you should use DownloadChapter() instead.
--- @param chapter Chapter
--- @return []Page
function ChapterPages(chapter) end
--- Downloads the given chapter
--- @param chapter Chapter
--- @param options DownloadOptions?
function DownloadChapter(chapter, options) end
--- Manga, Volume and Chapter has :info() method that would
--- return appropriate info table as defined above
--- e.g. manga:info().title
Comes with anilist
package that has the following functions available:
local anilist = {}
--- @alias AnilistManga TODO, see
--- Find closest anilist manga by title.
--- @param title string
--- @return AnilistManga?
function anilist.find_closest_manga(title) end
--- Search anilist mangas by title
--- @param title string
--- @return []AnilistManga
function anilist.search_mangas(title) end
--- Get anilist manga by its id
--- @param id number
--- @return AnilistManga?
function anilist.get_manga_by_id(id) end
--- Binds title to anilist manga id.
--- Will be used by anilist.find_closest_manga
--- @param title string
--- @param id number
function anilist.bind_title_to_id(title, id) end
return anilist
And json
local json = {}
--- Prints data in json format to stdout
--- @param data any
function json.print(data) end
return json
And fzf
local fzf = {}
--- Will open fzf window with the given items and show function.
--- Selected item will be returned.
--- @generic T
--- @param items T[]
--- @param show function(T): string
--- @return T
function fzf.select_one(items, show) end
--- Similar to fzf.select_one but allows to select multiple items using tab key.
--- Selected items will be returned.
--- @generic T
--- @param items T[]
--- @param show function(T): string
--- @return T[]
function fzf.select_multi(items, show) end
return fzf
local anilist = require("anilist")
local json = require("json")
json.print(anilist.search_mangas("one piece"))
And Vars
global table with variables passed from --vars
Used like this:
print(Vars.key1) -- value1
print(Vars.key2) -- value2
-- Note, that all values are passed as strings.
-- If you want to get number value use
print(tonumber(Vars.key3)) -- 18.2
Usage: mangalcli <command>
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
--log="none" Logging output. Possible values: stdout, stderr, none
run <script>
Run given script as string
cache path
Show cache directory path
cache clear
Remove cache directory
Download lua providers from GitHub
Run "mangalcli <command> --help" for more information on a command.