If not, its fine we can go ahead with codesandbox
- Create .gitignore file and add start.sh or start.bat file (mac or windows ) Run the script.
- create-react-app will be globally installed and geekabyte-workshop folder will be create with minimal react boilerplate setup
- Add logo and change the text to see hot module reloading
Here's the logo link
- Add tabs and replace your App.css file Here's the link
<p className="App-intro">Click on the Following Tabs</p>
<span className="tab">Now Showing</span>
<span className="tab">Top Rated</span>
Add constructor, Add on click, bind the onClick in constructor, Attach attribute to identify which tab is clicked
constructor(props) {
// bind events
this.onTabChange = this.onTabChange.bind(this)
onTabChange(event) {
const selectedType = event.target.getAttribute("data-type")
console.log("tab clicked ", selectedType)
<span data-type="now_showing" onClick={this.onTabChange} className="tab">Now Showing</span>
<span data-type="top_rated" onClick={this.onTabChange} className="tab">Top Rated</span>
- Define Intial State
constructor(props) {
// bind events
this.onTabChange = this.onTabChange.bind(this)
// initial state
this.state = {}
- Now Showing as default selected
// initial state in constructor
this.state = { selectedType: "now_showing" }
Inside render method
const { selectedType } = this.state,
isNowShowingSelected = selectedType === "now_showing",
isTopRatedSelected = selectedType === "top_rated"
<span data-type="now_showing" onClick={this.onTabChange} className={`tab ${isNowShowingSelected ? "selected" : ""}`}>Now Showing</span>
<span data-type="top_rated" onClick={this.onTabChange} className={`tab ${isTopRatedSelected ? "selected" : ""}`}>Top Rated</span>
- Set state to reflect selected tab type
// No need of writing selectedType : selectedType // ES6 syntax
- See how File import works, Create a file Tabbar.js inside movie-island folder
import React, { Component } from "react"
// TabBar component renders Types of list to be rendered,
// Whether list if for now showing or top rated movies
class TabBar extends Component {
render() {
return <h1> Tabbar </h1>
export default TabBar
And in App.js import the file
import Tabbar from "./movie-island/Tabbar"
- Move Tabbar in seperate component & import in the App.js
- Bubble up the event to the parent and Add API request using axios, make sure you have axios installed :)
Add ApiConfig.js where we have api end points
const secret = "6431579d356b75728144f5d6ce38ad9a"
export const nowShowingUrl = `https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/now_playing?api_key=${secret}&language=en-IN&page=1`
export const topRatedUrl = `https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/top_rated?api_key=${secret}&language=en-IN&page=1`
In App.js since its a parent
constructor(props) {
// Bind events
this.onTabSelected = this.onTabSelected.bind(this)
onTabSelected(selectedType) {
In the render method add onTabSelected as property
<Tabbar onTabSelected={this.onTabSelected} />
In Tabbar.js to let the parent know about what happening with the children
onTabChange(event) {
// Let the parent know about the changes
if (this.props.onTabSelected) {
Save response in App State
onTabSelected(selectedType) {
// AJAX call to get the API response
switch (selectedType) {
case "now_showing":
axios.get(nowShowingUrl).then(response => {
nowShowing: response.data.results,
case "top_rated":
axios.get(topRatedUrl).then(response => {
topRated: response.data.results,
- Render the JSON data of each card using list component
Create List.js and show the data on the screen and make sure you add state in the App.js file
Create a card component pass data as prop to it and instead li make a card that iterates through the list Here's the link to the card [ component ] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/manjula91/ReactWorkshop/byte13.2/geekabyte-workshop/src/movie-island/Card.js)
In List.js
return (
<div className="container">
{data.map((item, index) => {
return <Card key={index} data={item}/>
Card here is a component created:
Every one at the same level
Segeregate data fetching, default selected tab flows from parent
// initial state
this.state = { selectedType: this.props.selectedType }
Default tab should ne now showing and make and API call on componentDidMount for intial load of now showing data
We will go branch by branch to see what happening :)
If the api doesn't work (Limit might exceed) we can use the following