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Temperature and battery parameters explained

Stéphane Acounis edited this page Sep 12, 2022 · 13 revisions

There are 4 battery parameters that you can change in the desktop program. They are not harmful but can lead to a non working DPV.

  • Minimum input voltage : if you apply a voltage below this value, the controller won't start. PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE
  • Maximum input voltage : if you apply a voltage above this value, the controller won't turn on the motor. Typical values for different battery types can be found at the end of this document. This parameter is made to protect you motor but a safety margin must be kept in rder to accommodate the back electro-motive force voltage induced by the motor.
  • Battery cut-off start : this is the value where the controller will start to limit the power sent to the motor. It depends on the battery type, battery age, battery capacity and your level of conservatism. To disable this feature, put 0.
  • Battery cut-off end : this is the value where the controller will stop powering the motor. It is made to protect the battery (even if the battery has a built-in management circuit). This parameter depends on the battery type. For a NiMh battery, is is recommend not to go below 1V per element. So for a Sierra 20V is the limit, for a Cuda it will be 35V. For a Lithium battery, it should be a little bit higher than the cut-off voltage of the BMS. If you don't precisely know it, you can calculate a conservative value: a good LiIon element can go down to 2.5V so for a 36V Sierra (10 elements) the BMS can cut at 25V; but some BMS will cut at 3V/element ... so let's put 31V. Ask your battery manufacturer about this value.

There are also 4 temperature parameters than can be changed.
We strongly advise you not to change these values.
Two temperature sensors are monitored, one on the controller (called MOSFET), the other one on the motor.

  • MOSFET Start : the software will start to limit the power when the controller reaches this temperature.
  • MOSFET End : at this temperature everything stops functionning.
  • Motor Start : the software will start to limit the power when the motor reaches this temperature.
  • Motor End : the motor will stop running. If you let your DPV cooling down it will run again.

Remember : always Read Configuration before changing any parameter. Write Configuration after changes.

Here are some typical values for the battery parameters:

Battery type Max Voltage Cut-off start Cut-off end
Sierra NiMh 24V 36V 22V 20V
Cuda NiMh 650 50V 36V 35V
PTB 36V 50V 32V 30V
Generic Li 24V (7s) 31V 22V 20V
Generic Li 36V (10s) 45V 32V 30V
Generic Li 39.6V (11s) 57V 35.2V 33V
Generic Li 43V (12s) 57V 39V 36V
Generic Li 48V (13s) 57V 41.6V 39V

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