My config is provided too much bleeding-edge. If you blindly run my install script, you got headache
Screenshots last updated 2025-3-3
My config was different from JaKooLit NixOS-Hyprland. Dont blindly use my install script. plz check the file.
- flake.nix base of the configuration
- hosts 🌳 per-host configurations that contain machine specific configurations
- modules 🍱 for more modularize
- system for system wide config
- bootloader kernel packages(cachyos kernel) grub2 plymouth theme(catppuccin)
- flatpak declarative flatpak
- fonts fonts packages
- hardwareconf hardware configuration
- intel-driver intel graphic intel-driver
- nvidia-driver nvidia graphic driver
- local-hardware-clockhardware clock(i dontknow this will be needed)
- network network configuration
- nvidia-prime nvidia prime configuration
- nvidia-patch nvidia patch for linux 6.12 kernel
- services services for nix system
- system system specific packages and settings
- virtualization virtualization specific packages
- wayland wayland specific packages
- packages packages config
- nix nix related settings
- home-manager home-manager config
- home home-manager config
- vscodium vscodium config
- helix helix config
- spicetify spotify client config
- nvchad nvchad config
- textfoxtextfox config
- gitgit config
- gtk.nix themeing related
- nixcord vencord for nix way
- HyprPanel hm module for hyprpanel
- nixy system utilities
- hom-packages packages for user specific
- fhsenv fhs enviornment(will remove in 25.11)
NixOS + Hyprland | |
Window Manager | Hyprland |
Bar | HyprPanel |
Application Launcher | walker |
Notification Daemon | ags |
Terminal Emulator | Wezterm + kitty |
Shell | fish + atuin + Starship |
Text Editor | VSCodium + nix4nvchad |
network management tool | NetworkManager + network-manager-applet |
System resource monitor | Btop + Bottom |
File Manager | thunar + yazi |
Fonts | LigaMono Nerd Font + JetBrainsMono Nerd Font |
Color Scheme | Catppuccin-Mocha + Catppuccin-Dark |
Cursor | Chiharu |
Icons | Papirus-Dark |
Lockscreen | Hyprlock |
Image Viewer | imv |
Media Player | mpv |
Music Player | spotify |
Screenshot Software | grimblast |
kernel | [linux cachyos kernel] |
Clipboard | wl-clip-persist |
Color Picker | hyprpicker |
Utils (EXPAND)
$\rightarrow$ clear
$\rightarrow$ z
$\rightarrow$ gtrash put
$\rightarrow$ nvim
$\rightarrow$ bat
$\rightarrow$ codium
$\rightarrow$ kitten icat
$\rightarrow$ eza --icons -a --group-directories-first -1
$\rightarrow$ eza --icons -a --group-directories-first -1 --no-user --long
$\rightarrow$ eza --icons --tree --group-directories-first
Nixos (EXPAND)
$\rightarrow$ cd ~/NixOS-Hyprland/ && codium ~/NixOS-Hyprland/
$\rightarrow$ sudo nixos rebuild switch --flake .#nixy4life
All the scripts are in ~/.config/home-manager/scripts/scripts/
and are exported as packages in ~/.config/home-manager/scripts/scripts.nix
Description: This script extract tar.gz
archives in the current directory.
Usage: extract <archive_file>
Description: This script is a modified version of the jobcmax/maxfetch script.
Usage: maxfetch
Description: This script is for managing Audacious (music player). If Audacious is currently running, it will be killed (stopping the music); otherwise, it will start Audacious in the 8th workspace and resume the music.
Usage: music
Description: This script runs a provided command along with its arguments and detaches it from the terminal. Handy for launching apps from the command line without blocking it.
Usage: runbg <command> <arg1> <arg2> <...>
nix-shell -p git
git clone
cd NixOS-Hyprland
For some computers, the default rebuild command might get stuck due to CPU cores running out of RAM. To fix that modify the install script line: sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#${HOST}
to sudo nixos-rebuild switch --cores <less than your max number of cores> --flake .#${HOST}
As it is better to know what a script does before running it, you are advised to read it or at least see the Install script walkthrough section before execution.
Execute and follow the installation script :
After rebooting, the config should be applied, you'll be greeted by hyprlock prompting for your password.
## Install script walkthrough
A brief walkthrough of what the install script does.
#### 1. **Get username**
You will receive a prompt to enter your username, with a confirmation check.
#### 2. **Set username**
The script will replace all occurancies of the default usename ```CURRENT_USERNAME``` by the given one stored in ```$username```
#### 3. Create basic directories
The following directories will be created:
- ```~/Music```
- ```~/Documents```
- ```~/Pictures/wallpapers/others```
#### 4. Copy the wallpapers
Then the wallpapers will be copied into ```~/Pictures/wallpapers/others``` which is the folder in which the `````` script will be looking for them.
#### 5. Get the hardware configuration
It will also automatically copy the hardware configuration from ```/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix``` to ```./hosts/${host}/hardware-configuration.nix``` so that the hardware configuration used is yours and not the default one.
#### 6. Choose a host (desktop / laptop)
Now you will need to choose the host you want. It depend on whether you are using a desktop or laptop (or a VM altho it can be realy buggy).
#### 7. Build the system
Lastly, it will build the system, which includes both the flake config and home-manager config.
Other dotfiles that I learned / copy from:
I really thanksful for frost-phoenix making this template and i credits to this man
Nix Flakes
- nomadics9/NixOS-Flake: This is where I start my nixos / hyprland journey.
- samiulbasirfahim/Flakes: General flake / files structure
- justinlime/dotfiles: Mainly waybar (old design)
- skiletro/nixfiles: Vscodium config (that prevent it to crash)
- fufexan/dotfiles
- tluijken/.dotfiles: base rofi config
- mrh/dotfiles: base waybar config
- JaKooLit/NixOS-Hyprland: my base config
- Matt-FTW/dotfiles: most of my dotfiles
- orangc/dots: shout out to this man. He helps me in my begining of nixos jorney. If i didnt get help from this people i will leave this beautiful world.
-hmajid2301/nixicle: for some config idea