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Enhanced Shutter Card

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New in version v1.1.4:

  • New: Battery and signal level display

New settings battery_entity and signal_entity for displaying battery and signal icons with level-information. New settings scale_icons for activating scaling of the icons when the window-image-size is made smaller.


  • Card works now 100% local.

The card inludes now the lit-library, no internet-connection needed after downloading.

  • Solved Error#46 (Custom element does not exist)

This bug is found and removed.

  • Improved sizing of the Card

The sizing of the card is further improved. (This can result in little differences in size with previous versions)

New in version v1.1.3:

  • New automatic placement of the buttons

New automatic placement of the buttons according to Landscape or Portrait format of the visible part of the dashboard. Using the new settings auto-top-left (or auto), auto-top-right, auto-bottom-left or auto-bottom-right for the optional option buttons_position, the card wil change the button positions to top or botton on Portrait and Left or Right in Landscape, automaticly.

  • inline_header

New setting (true of false). When set to true, the card wil place the Name and Position information in one line, as long as possible. In this mode, only the opening_position option will be used for the bottom/top placement of the full shutter header, the opening_positionwil be discarded.

  • scale_buttons

New setting (true of false). When set to true the buttons will be rescaled (smaller) when the windows-image is getting smaller then 150px. The width is taken into account when the resulting button_position is left or right, the heieght is used when buttons_positionis top or bottom. This will work also with the new auto* options.

  • further improvement of responsiveness.

The responsiveness of the card is further improved.

Functions of the Card

This card allows besides opening, closing or setting a shutter to the opening rate you want, also many options to design your shutter by combining the sizes and images you want.

It is a follow-up of Deejayfool/Shuttercard, a nice Card for Shutters. I started with a simple change for the motion of the shutters, but soon it became a huge update. Due to the inactivity of the Shutter Card, I decided to add this one as 'Enhanced Shutter Card' to HACS.

It supports all options of the original Card, but also graphical options like different backgrounds, windows an shutters. Also the sizes of every shutter can be altered:

Enhanced Shutter Card

(find below the yaml for this example.)

By default the card has 3 colored windows and shutter images, ands two background views in the package:

color window-image shutter-slat image shutter-bottom-bar image default
grey esc-window.png esc-shutter-slat.png esc-shutter-bottom.png yes
brown esc-window2.png esc-shutter-slat2.png esc-shutter-bottom2.png no
green esc-window3.png esc-shutter-slat3.png esc-shutter-bottom3.png no

These are the avialable background views:

view filename default
esc-view.png yes
esc-view2.png no

These images can be combined like in the example above. For (optinal) defintion of the location of the images, a setting 'image_map" does exits. The default map-setting can be found in the Configuration-info below. It is also possible to enter a full path in the imagename itself. When a '/' is found in the image-name, the image-name is considerd to include a full path. And last but not least, the view_image -setting also accepts HTML-color definitions like red, green, #AAFFEE or rgb(255,255,0) in stead of an image-filename. (The # input needs quotes around it in YAML)



Name Type Required Default Description Remarks
type string True - Must be "custom:enhanced-shutter-card"
title string False - Title of the card
passive_mode boolean no false Interface works normal, but no action is sent to the shutters. A lock-icon is shown after the shutter-name.
image_map string No /local/community/enhanced-shutter-card/images map of the images
window_image string No esc-window.png image of the window/shutter
view_image string No esc-back-view.png background-image through the window, or a HTML color.
shutter_slat_image string No esc-shutter-slat.png Image of one slat of the shutter.
shutter_bottom_image string No esc-shutter-bottom.png the bottom bar of the shutter.
base_height_px int No 150 height of image in pixels
base_width_px int No 150 witdh of image in pixels
resize_height_pct int No 100 rezise of the base height in percent
resize_width_pct int No 100 rezise of the base width in percent
top_offset_pct int No 0 space between top image/window and top shutter
bottom_offset_pct int No 0 space between bottom image/window and bottom shutter
buttons_position string No left Set buttons on left, right, top or bottom of the shutter. For automatic placement on Landscape or Portrait-format of the visible Dashboard, you can also use the auto-top-left (or auto), auto-top-right, auto-bottom-left or auto-bottom-right options.
scale_buttons boolean No false Scale the buttons when the windows-image gets smaller then 150px in the direction of the button-placement.
scale_icons boolean No true Scale the icon for battery and signal icons windows-image gets smaller then 150px in the horizonal direction.
title_position string No top Set title on top or on bottom of the shutter deprecated, use name_position
name_position string No top Set title/name shutter on top or on bottom of the shutter image.
name_disabled boolean No false hide title/name of shutter
opening_position string No name_position set position info of shutter on top or bottom of the shutter image.
opening_disabled boolean No false hide position info of shutter
inline_header boolean No false place the shutter-header (name and position) in one line.
invert_percentage boolean No false Set it to true if your shutter is 100% when it is closed, and 0% when it is opened
can_tilt boolean No false Set it to true if your shutters support tilting.
partial_close_percentage int No 0 Set it to a percentage (0-100) if you want to be able to quickly go to this "partially closed" state using a button.
offset_closed_percentage int No 0 Set it to a percentage (0-100) of travel that will still be considered a "closed" state in the visualization.
always_percentage boolean No false If set to true, the end states (opened/closed) will be also as numbers (0 / 100 % ) instead of a text
disable_end_buttons boolean No false If set to true, the end states (opened/closed) will also deactivate the buttons for that direction (i.e. the "up" button
disable_standard_buttons boolean No false Show or hide the default up, down and stop buttons
disable_partial_open_buttons boolean No true Show or hide the partail open buttons.
button_up_hide_states string list False empty list Entered state strings (opening, open, closed, closing or partial_open) added will hide the up button when the cover is in any of the listed states. This can be combined with other *_hide_states options.
button_stop_hide_states string list False empty list Entered state strings (opening, open, closed, closing or partial_open) added will hide the stop button when the cover is in any of the listed states. This can be combined with other *_hide_states options.
button_down_hide_states string list False empty list Entered state strings (opening, open, closed, closing or partial_open) added will hide the down button when the cover is in any of the listed states. This can be combined with other *_hide_states options.


Name Type Required Default Description remarks
entity string Yes - The shutter entity ID
name string No Friendly name of the entity Name to display for the shutter
battery_entity string No null EntityId of the sensor represenating the battery-level of the shutter (as a number)
signal_entity string No null EntityId of the sensor represenating the Wireless signal-level of the shutter (as a number)
passive_mode No global item setting, see under General see under General
image_map string No global item setting, see under General see under General
window_image string No global item setting, see under General see under General
view_image string No global item setting, see under General see under General
shutter_slat_image string No global item setting, see under General see under General
shutter_bottom_image string No global item setting, see under General see under General
base_height_px int No global item setting, see under General see under General
base_width_px int No global item setting, see under General see under General
resize_height_pct int No global item setting, see under General see under General
resize_width_pct int No global item setting, see under General see under General
top_offset_pct int No global item setting, see under General see under General
bottom_offset_pct int No global item setting, see under General see under General
buttons_position string No global item setting, see under General see under General
scale_buttons boolean No global item setting, see under General see under General
scale_icons boolean No global item setting, see under General see under General
title_position string No global item setting, see under General see under General deprecated as of v1.1.0, use name_position
name_position string No global item setting, see under General see under General
name_disabled boolean No global item setting, see under General see under General
opening_position string No global item setting, see under General see under General
opening_disabled boolean No global item setting, see under General see under General
can_tilt boolean No global item setting, see under General see under General
partial_close_percentage int No global item setting, see under General see under General
offset_closed_percentage int No global item setting, see under General see under General
always_percentage boolean No global item setting, see under General see under General
disable_end_buttons boolean No global item setting, see under General see under General
disable_standard_buttons boolean No global item setting, see under General see under General
disable_partial_open_buttons boolean No global item setting, see under General see under General
button_up_hide_states string list No global item setting, see under General see under General
button_stop_hide_states string list No global item setting, see under General see under General
button_down_hide_states string list No global item setting, see under General see under General

Remark : you can also just give the entity ID (without to specify entity:) if you don't need to specify the other configurations.


The sample below are the settings of the example image above.

type: custom:enhanced-shutter-card
title: Shutter Samples
name_position: top
  - entity: cover.demo1
    name: Variable Hidden Standard Buttons
    view_image: esc-view2.png
    passive_mode: false
    name_position: top
    base_height_px: 180
      - open
      - opening
      - closing
      - closed
      - opening
      - closing
      - open
      - closed
      - partial_open
  - entity: cover.demo2
    name: Passive Mode
    passive_mode: true
    partial_close_percentage: 90
    title_position: top
    base_height_px: 100
    base_width_px: 160
    shutter_slat_image: esc-shutter-slat2.png
    window_image: esc-window3.png
    disable_partial_open_buttons: true
    can_tilt: true
    always_percentage: true
    invert_percentage: false
  - entity: cover.demo3
    name: Include Partial Open Buttons
    disable_end_buttons: true
    window_image: esc-window2.png
    resize_width_pct: 70
    title_position: top
    disable_partial_open_buttons: false


Use HACS, search for Enhancd Shutter Card, the resources will automatically be configured with the needed files.

As long as this card is not a default one in HACS (PR is awaiting aproval), you need to add this repository as a Custom Repository. See for installing Custom Repositories this hacs-custom-repositories page. Enter repository-url and choose type Dashboard.