This is an example API that performs a GET request and retrieves a list of URLs avaiable in the response.
- Author : Marcelo Fernandes Ferreira
- Language : nodejs with Typescript
- Testing : Jest
- Task Description:
- Before starting: On a terminal at the root folder of the project
yarn install
npm install
- To test
yarn test
npm run test
- To Run
yarn start
npm run start
Use a API testing App (e.g. Postman) and target GET > https://localhost:3000?Url='URL TO BE TARGETTED'
Adding behaviour testing - Due to time constraints only TDD has been applied to the project, using CucumberJs i would add some behaviour testing
Performance improvements - As a phase 2 for this project I would make the project more performant.
- Removing the Regex for a more defined approach - as an Assumption I use HTML, XML and JSON responses, so I could have a method for each response type and restrict the filter to each individual element
- A Reducer could be used , since the response comes back as a single Stringified JSON value this could reduce the overhead
Improving security
- Would had some conditions to the parameter to make sure no scripts could be passed in as part of the URL, therefore removing any XSS vulnerability that may arise
- Adding some API caching to reduce the number of hits and avoid DDOS