This is a MATLAB routine for computing the relative entropy of entanglement of input bipartite density matrices.
Standard usage:
[Xopt,relEnt] = relEntropy(m,n,rho);
are dimensions of subspacesrho
is inputmn x mn
density matrixXopt
is closest PPT state torho
is numerical approximation to the relative entropy of entanglement ofrho
- CVX by CVX Research, Inc. (
- PartialTranspose routine from QETLAB ( (see: (
M.W. Girard, Y. Zinchenko, S. Friedland, and G. Gour. Erratum: Numerical estimation of the relative entropy of entanglement. [Phys. Rev. A 91, 029901] ( (2015).
Y. Zinchenko, S. Friedland, and G. Gour. Numerical estimation of the relative entropy of entanglement. Phys. Rev. A 82, 052336 (2010).