Nopol is Go package to check and format Indonesian vehicle registration number (police number).
It will format vehicle registration number format like this {XX} {DDDD} {YYY}
, for example AD 6742 DZ
, CD 129
or RI 1
For more info about Indonesian vehicle registration number, please refer to the Wikipedia.
go get -u
// Check validation
val := nopol.IsValid("AB 1234 XYZ") // return true
val := nopol.IsValid("ABC 12345") // return false
// Format
f, err := nopol.Format("AB1234-XYZ") // return AB 1234 XYZ, nil
f, err := nopol.Format("ABC12345") // return "", Not a valid police number
For more info, refer to this documentation.
- Get information from the vehicle registration number
- Check validity of the vehicle registration number
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.